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摘要 红坡财沟大桥位于包头市北出口至固阳明登一级公路K2+300处,跨越大青山红坡财沟。沟宽约120米,为季节性河流,属昆都仑河支流,河床稳定,河道较为顺直,桥梁轴线与水流方向正交。 根据桥址情况查阅资料,拟定三个方案:预应力混凝土简支梁桥、预应力混凝土等截面连续梁桥和拱桥。通过方案比较,选择预应力混凝土等截面连续梁桥作为设计方案。预应力混凝土等截面连续梁桥,共3跨,孔径布置(35+50+35)m,主梁采用箱形截面。主要材料采用C50混凝土,预应力钢束后张法张拉成型。 上部结构计算时,计算出上部结构恒载和活载,内力影响线,在影响线上加载计算活载内力并进行内力组合,绘出弯矩包络图。根据以上结果,进行配筋和钢束布置。计算预应力损失及预应力引起的次内力,进行第二次内力组合和截面强度验算。 推荐方案的下部结构为柱式桥墩,基础采用桩基础。计算和验算通过手工完成,主要包括桥墩与基础尺寸拟定、内力计算、强度验算。 关键词:预应力;连续梁桥;箱梁;柱式墩;桩基础 Abstract The bridge is located in the highway between the north exit of Baotou to Guyang Mingdeng K2 +300 places, Stride over the Hongpocai groove of Mt. Daqing. The groove is width of 120 m. It is a seasonal river and a tributary of the Kun Du Lun River. The riverbed stabilizes, and the river is relatively straight. Bridge axis and streams direction orthogonalize. wadi 翻译以下任意网站 G1 Globo-巴西 Guardian.co.uk-英国 The Washington Post-美国 Marmiton.org-法国 Arte Toreo-西班牙语 Museo del Prado-西班牙语 Spiegel Online-德语 Los Angeles Times-美国 Nord-Cinema-法国 盆栽-日本 Telegraph.co.uk-英国 The White House-美国 According to the information of the ground elevation, worked out three programs. They are variable cross-section of prestressed concrete simply supported bridge, prestressed concrete section continuous beam bridge and arch bridge. Adoption of the programs, the prestressed concrete section continuous Beam Bridge was chose to be designing. Prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge, a total of three apertures, which was setted 35+50+35m, the main beam is box-shaped, the main material used C50 concrete, reinforcing bar with post tensioning method. For the higher part of the bridge structure, calculated permanent load variable load and draw the stress influence line, calculated internal forces combination. Based on the above results, setted the reinforcing bar in the main beam and worked out the loss of the reinfor3cing bar. Then we carried out the second internal forces combination. At last, we should check the strength of perpendicular section. We use Column pier for th



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