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密级: JINGGANGSHAN UNIVERSITY 本科毕业论文(设计) 题目 高层教学楼电气设计 学院 工学院 专业 电气工程及其自动化 班级 ****** 学号 ******* 姓名 ********* 指导教师 ****** 起讫时间 2011.01——2011.05 教 务 处 印 制 摘要 该论文主要阐述了某高层教学楼各系统电气设计的设计依据、原则和方法及设计选择的结论。在低压配电系统设计中,根据负荷等级,确定供电方式及系统方案。运用需要系数法进行负荷计算,并按照规定选择保护电器、电线电缆,达到安全用电和节约能源的目的。在照明的设计中,本着节能的原则,选择荧光灯为光源,通过照度计算,确定最佳光源数,为学生和老师们创造了一个良好的学习、工作环境。在消防系统的设计中,通过感烟、感温探测器,手动火灾报警按钮,消防栓按钮等消防电气设备的布置、安装的设计,实现了对各防火区域的防火监测,探测火灾的发生。并实现消防联动,当有火灾时,探测、监控和手控系统发出火灾信号,有各联动装置发出警报,进行防火隔离和启动自动灭火系统,在疏散人员的同时进行自动灭火,控制、消除火灾隐患,保障该楼内人员、财产的安全。在防雷接地设计中,根据国家规范,通过计算将本建筑物归为三类防雷,按照三类防雷建筑要求设计。弱电的设计只简单介绍了有线电视系统,广播扩声系统以及综合布线系统。下篇则针对广播扩声系统进行了深入研究,主要为教学楼内的多功能厅、会议室的广播扩声系统设计做了详细的设计方案。 关键词:建筑电气 低压配电 消防报警 综合布线 Abstract This thesis mainly explains the electrical design basis ,principle, methods and the conclusion of the design choice in each system in the design of certain teaching building. In my power distribution design, according to load rank, determination power supply way and system plan; Using needs the method of correlates to carry on the computation load, according to the stipulation choice protection electric appliance, the electric wire electric cable, achieved uses electricity safely and saves the energy goal. In the lighting system design, in line with the principle which conserves energy, chooses the fluorescent lamp is the photo source, through the degree of illumination computation, determined the best photo source number, has created one comfortably, the bright life, the leisure environment for the students and teachers . In the fire prevention system design, through the feeling smoke, the feeling warm detector, the manual fire reports to the police the button, fire prevention electrical equipment and so on hose saddle button arrangement, the installment design, has realized to each area of fire protection fire prote


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