powerpoint presentation - cues to stop place in stop-liquid.pptVIP

powerpoint presentation - cues to stop place in stop-liquid.ppt

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powerpoint presentation - cues to stop place in stop-liquid

Stop Place Contrasts before Liquids Edward Flemming MIT Does phonology have a biological grounding? Phonology is shaped by the nature of speech perception and speech production. Speech production and speech perception depend on biological endowments. A case study adopting this approach to the analysis of a phonological pattern: Restrictions on stop place contrasts before laterals. Restrictions on coronal-lateral clusters Many languages allow initial [pl, kl]/[bl, gl] clusters, but exclude [tl, dl] (Kawasaki 1982). E.g. English, German, Norwegian, Thai, etc English: [b-g, p-k] contrast before [l], blue-glue, plan-clan initial [dl-, tl-] are not possible. Restrictions on coronal-lateral clusters This is a result of a dispreference for coronal-dorsal stop contrasts before laterals (Flemming 1995). Some languages reverse the English pattern, [tl-, dl-] OK, but no *[kl-, gl-]. e.g. Haroi and other Chamic languages (Mudhenk Goschnick 1977), Katu dialects (Wallace 1969): Restrictions on coronal-dorsal contrasts before [l] Kawasaki (1982) hypothesizes that this dispreference is due to perceptual similarity of [dl-gl], [tl-kl]. General hypothesis: There is a preference for perceptually distinct contrasts. Before [l], contrasts between coronal dorsal stops are not very distinct. Previous evidence: Kawasaki (1982): Evidence from 1 speaker that formant transitions are very similar in [dl-, gl-]. But bursts can be sufficient to distinguish stops. Restrictions on coronal-dorsal contrasts before [l] Further investigate Kawasaki’s hypothesis through acoustic analysis of American English (and Hebrew). Hypothesis: English [dl-gl] and [tl-kl] contrasts would be less distinct than legal stop place contrasts (e.g. [bl-gl], before vowels). How do we infer the expected realization of [dl-, tl-]? Other stop-liquid clusters Medial [-dl-, -tl-] clusters [tl-, dl-] in languages that allow these clusters (e.g. Hebrew, Russian). But NB languages that allow these contrasts may realize stop-



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