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22 4 V o l. 22 N o. 4 2009 8 W o rld Forestry R esearch Aug2009 * 1 1 1 1 1 2 古 琳 牛 牧 黎燕琼 张海鸥 慕长龙 刘改萍 ( 1 , 6 100 81; 2 , 100091 : 在分析中国城市森林景观生态相关 究工作的基础上, 从城市森林景观的概念 究方法和城市森林景 观生态 究现状等方面, 对我国近年来城市森林景观生态 究的一些问题进行了总结, 并对城市森林景观生 态 究的发展趋势进行了展望 : 中国, 城市森林, 景观生态 : Q 149, S 731. 2 : A : 1001- 424 1( 2009 04 - 0058- 05 Research and Perspective of Urban Forest Landscape Ecology in China 1 1 1 1 1 2 Gu L in N iu M u L i Y anq iong Zhang H aiou M u Ch ang long L iu Ga ip ing ( 1 S ichuan A cadem y of Forestry, Chengdu 6 100 81, Ch ina; 2 R esearch Institute of Fo restry Po licy and In fo rm ation, Ch inese A cadem y o f F orestry, Be ij ing 100091, Ch ina Abstract: L andscape eco logy has becom e an mi portant research field in urban forest research. Based on the summ ary of research advances on urban forest landscape eco logy in China, this paper expatia ted its concept and research m ethods, introduced the present situation of eco log ica l studies on Ch i nese urban forest landscape. A t last, the authors put forw ard the ir v iew on research d irection o f urban forest landscape ecology. K ey words: Ch ina, urban forest, landscape ecology 1 , , 1. 1 , , , , ,


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