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人文地理 2010 年第1 期总第111 期 文章编号: ( ) 1003-2398 2010 01-0049-07 中国城市群对外服务功能强度与结构分析 1 2,3 1 王海江 苗长虹 郝成元 , , 河南理工大学测绘与国土信息工程学院 焦作 河南大学黄河文明与可持续发展研究中心 开封 ( , ; , ; 1. 454000 2. 475001 河南大学环境与规划学院 开封 3. , 475001 ) RESEARCH ON THE EXTERNAL SERVICE FUNCTION INTENSITY AND STRUCTURE OF CITY AGGLOMERATIONS IN CHINA 1 2,3 1 WANG Hai-Jiang , MIAO Chang-Hong , HAO Cheng-Yuan (1.School of Survey ing Land Information Engineering, Henan Poly technic University , J iaozuo 454000, China; 2.Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Develop ment, Henan University , Kaifeng 475001, China; 3.School of Environment Planning, Henan University , Kaifeng 475001, China) Abstract: Urban flows describes the basic activities of city, reflects the urban external services, and reveals the contacts between cites. And correlation between urban flows intensity and urban centrality shows that urban flows intensity is the quantitative index of urban external service functions. With the case study of 13 major urban agglomerations in China, this article analyses their urban flows intensity and structures, and discusses spatial distribution and growth s


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