Monads and Realcompactness - DigitalCommons@CalPoly.pdfVIP

Monads and Realcompactness - DigitalCommons@CalPoly.pdf

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Monad and realcompactness ergo Salbany odor Todorov Ab tract We gi e a quantifi r free haracterization of realcompaclncss and ordered realcornpact- ne in term f monad. e also present simple proofs of some topological facts concern- ing realc mpact • pace .. Key words: rd red topologi al spac ; Ordered realcompactification; Product space; Non- tandard exten i n; nstandard ordered hull; Monads O. lntr ducti D Robin n ha gi en an elegant quantifier free description of compactness in term f n n tandard exten ion and monads [6]. The purpose of this paper is to prove an anal gou characterization of realcompactness and ordered realcompact- ne whi h h uld be c ntra ted, for simplicity, with the classical ones for compI tel regular top 1 gical spaces (X, T) (Gillman and Jerison [3]): (i) very real maximal ideal of C(X, IR) is fixed. (ii) (X T) i i omorphic to a closed subspace in the canonical product (IR, T)J, where J = (X, IR). (iii) very Z-ultrafilter with the countable intersection property is fixed. By C(X, IR)we denote the class of continuous functions f: (X, T) --7 (IR, T) where T is the u ual t p logy in R Let C t (X, IR) consist of all monotone nondecreasing functions in C(X, IR)and let A(X, IR) = C t (X, IR) - C r (X, IR) be the algebra of all differences in C i (X, IR). It was shown in [7] th



