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关于 Next Generation Network RenRen csrenren@ 当前Internet的不足 P2P P2P应用模式日渐兴起。据统计,国际上网络P2P应用已经占到带宽消耗量的72%,而上网浏览只占到9%,E-mail占到2%。中国的情况也类似, P2P的模式与传统主机服务器模式的比例不断加大。 IPv6的特性 1.海量地址空间,为设备的网络化提供了可能 2.QoS,预留了提供保障QoS的能力 3.组播,泛播功能增强,服务器负载分担… 4.路由速度更快,安全性更高,配置和使用更便捷,Plug and Play,移动性的支持,物理链路大量使用光纤通信,设备可靠性更高,带宽更高… What I expected 很高的用户接入带宽 全覆盖的移动接入支持 P2P QoS保障,网络电视,IP电话,视频… 费用要便宜 Mobility Challenge 1. Naming and addressing flexibility, mobile P2P 2. Mobility support for dynamic migration of end-users and network devices 3. Location services that provide information on geographic position 4. Self-organization and discovery for distributed control of network topology 5. Security and privacy considerations for mobile nodes and open wireless channels Mobile IP Next Generation Networks A packet-based network able to provide telecommunication services and able to make use of multiple broadband, QoS-enabled transport technologies and in which service-related functions are independent from underlying transport-related technologies. 物理链路提供超高的带宽(NGA) 集成各种网络应用 Voice over IP, telecommunication, broadcast Video on demand CATV … Next Generation Networks The convergence of PSTN, CATV, wireless networks (WiFi, WiMAX, GSM, UMTS) and the data networks (Internet) NGN is a concept, not just a technology NGN is an attempt by operators to provide a single platform to support converged services. IP Over Everything Everything Over IP NGN illustration NGN illustration NGN architecture NGN architecture Access and Transport Layer 各种媒体网关和接入设备组成,通过各种接入手段来接入网络,并将信息转换为在分组交换网上传递的信息格式 Media Layer NGN的承载网络, IP分组交换网,负责信息的传输和路由选择 Control Layer 负责呼叫逻辑,核心是软交换,处理呼叫请求,支持各种不同类型的协议接口,实现不同类型网络的胡同 Network Service Layer 处理业务逻辑,认证、授权、计费,地址解析… NGN Elements NGN Elements Access Gateway 1. IP network的用户接入接口 2. 将模拟信号流转换到IP network Trunking Gateway TDM与IP network之间的互联互通 NGN Elements Softswitch 软交换 - Referred to as Call Agent or Media Gateway Controller (MGC), provides the service delivery control within the network via H.2


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