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目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 1 前言 1 1.1 系统概述 1 1.2 单片机控制系统 1 2 温室大棚环境监测系统方案 3 2.1 传感器设计方案 3 2.2主控制方案 4 2.3方案选择 5 3 温室温度检测设计方案 5 3.1 温度采集部分的设计 6 3.1.1 温度传感器DS18B20 6 3.1.2 DS18B20温度传感器与单片机的接口电路 12 3.2 单片机接口电路的设计 13 3.3 显示电路的设计 14 4 系统软件的设计 15 4.1 显示子程序的设计 15 4.2 DS18B20数据采集子程序的设计 16 5 结束语 17 参考文献 17 致谢 18 附录A 单片机系统原理图 19 温室大棚温度监测系统设计 摘要 随着大棚技术的普及,温室大棚数量不断增多,温室大棚的温度控制成为一个难题。目前应用于温室大棚的温度检测系统大多采用由模拟温度传感器、多路模拟开关、A/D转换器及单片机等组成的传输系统。这种温度采集系统需要在温室大棚内布置大量的测温电缆,才能把现场传感器的信号送到采集卡上,安装和拆卸繁杂,成本也高。同时线路上传送的是模拟信号,易受干扰和损耗,测量误差也比较大,不利于控制者根据温度变化及时做出决定。在这样的形式下。开发一种实时性高、精度高,能够综合处理多点温度信息的测控系统就很有必要。 本课题提出一种基于单片机并采用数字化单总线技术的温度测控系统应用于温室大棚的的设计方案,该方案是利用温度传感器将温室大棚内温度的变化,变换成电流的变化,再转换为电压变化输入模数转换器,其值由单片机处理,最后由单片机去控制数字显示器,显示温室大棚内的实际温度。 关键字 单片机;温度监测;数字温度传感器 Greenhouse Environment Monitoring System Abstract With the popularization of greenhouse technology,the amount of greenhouse is larger and larger.However,the temperature control of greenhouse is becoming a difficult problem.Currently,the temperature control system of greenhouse is mostly using a transfers system which consists of analog temperature sensors,multiplexing analog switches,A/D conversion units and SCM.This kind of temperature collection system needs a lot of cables which is laid to make the signal of the sensor be sent to the collection card in the greenhouse.Thus the work of fixing and take down is miscellaneous,and the cost is high.What’s more,what is transferred in the system is analog signals which are easily interfered and have more ullage.It is hard for the controller to make a decision in time according to the change of temperature because the measure endr is bigger.So under this is necessary to empolder areal time and precise temperature control system which is in aposition to deal with temperature information of many nods. This paper gives a greenhouse temperature control project which is based upon the SCM and digital monobus technology.In this project,the change of temperature i


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