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Lecture Four The English Renaissance Part Three Revision 1. _____ was the most gifted of the “university wits”, whose best three plays are ____, ____ and ___, his masterpiece. 2. _____ was the first to make ____ (rhymeless iambic pentameter) the principal instrument of English drama. 3. Shakespeare’s great comedies include__, ___, ___ and ___; while the great tragedies are ____, ___, ___ and ___. 4. Hermia and Lysander, Helena and Demetrius are two pairs of lovers in ____. 5. ____ in The Merchant of Venice is one of Shakespeare’s ideal women beautiful, cultured, courteous and capable of rising to an emergency. 6. Goneril, Regan and Cordelia are the daughters of King ___. Historical play Hamlet Feature of Shakespeare’s Drama Poem I. The Mature Histories Shakespeare’s histories include 10 historical plays, 9 of which dramatize successively two centuries of English history from Richard II (1377-1399) to Henry VIII (1509-1547). They show the horrors of civil war, the responsibility of an efficient ruler, and the importance of legitimate succession to the throne. One of the most remarkable historical plays of Shakespeare is Henry IV. In the play, the son of Henry IV, Prince Hal (later Henry V) and Sir John Falstaff are the major characters. The Image of Henry V Henry V is the symbol of Shakespeare’s ideal kingship. He represents the upsurging patriotism of the time. At the outset of Henry IV, he was a prodigal son, keeping company with Sir John Falstaff and other disreputable people, drinking at the Boar’s Head Tavern, and cracking coarse jokes. But his dissoluteness (放纵) is only skein-deep. He studies life, studies the people of his country. He is cool-headed and has a strong will. In the battle with Hotspur, he was cool-minded and full of confidence in his victory. In Henry V. Henry is represented as a model of ideal kingship. With his accession to the crown, Henry becomes another man. (see p75) In the main, Henry V represents Sha



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