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CreditExpert Contect Case Introduction Market Segmentation B2B B2C Public Relations Diversification Success of CreditExpert Experian CreditExpert Chapter 1 Whats Experian? Whats its Creditexpert? Introduction Experian: A Word of Insight Information Services London Stock Exchange (EXPN) 16,000 employee in 39 countries MarketingConsulting Services RiskFraud Management Data Breach Resolution Credit Unions:Bank of America,Citibank etc Telecommunications: Orange etc Automotive:Toyota, Ford etc Personal accurate and up-to-date credit report “CreditExpert alert service” “Free Victims of Fraud service CreditExpert: Monitor creditworthiness online Market Segmentation Chapter 2 Experians Market Segmentation research Other Case, like BMW CreditExpert wanted to attract those people Credit Users Internet Users Keen to manage financial affairs well 1 series: Low end car Young white collar class 3 series: Middle end car Middle class bussiness people 5 series: Luxoury car Upper leval class, Be My Wife Z series: Racing car Upper lever class,very very rish X series: SUV Family use M series: Intensified racing car Millionaire, super fan B2B B2C Chapter 3 Experians choice Explain the difference Business Sevice: Experian worked mainly in the business-to-business (b2b) market. Its expertise was in personal selling CreditExpert is for B2C market B2B and B2C with different features Personal Serive: To succeed in the business-to-consumer (b2c) market, Experian had to use a different promotional mix Consumer education programm Public relations agency Official sponsor with magazine Difference of B2B B2C Focus on the benefits of the product - More emotional - More interested in the benefit of the product - Point out the benefits to them B2C B 2 B “Focus on the logic of the product” - No personal emotion involved - Product information seeker - Focus on how saves them time, money and resources B2B B2C Public Relations Chapter 4 Experians choice Explain the differe


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