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LOGO LOGO Firstly, welcome you all to this course: English News Reading ? LOGO Why? What? How? 1 ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc. 2 ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc. 3 ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc. 刘新慧 Carol lxh@ ——互动教学空间 ——网络学堂——外国语学院——西方报刊选读 About Myself Orientation Course Objectives Triple A Requirements Teaching Arrangements Assessment Learning Strategies LOGO Course Objectives At the end of the course you should have acquired : 1 Basic knowledge of English newspapers magazines 2 Improved background knowledge of English-speaking countries 3 Enhanced vocabulary reading ability LOGO Basic knowledge of English News What’s “News” to inform to educate to entertain “It is not news when a dog bites a man, but absolutely when you find a man bites a dog.” North East West South Types of journalism News report Feature Editorial Letters to the editor Advertisement display ads classified ads Cartoon Basic knowledge of English News * * * * Linguistic feature of press English Generally speaking, what are your impressions of press English? * * The Characteristics of Press English compact paragraphs Gordon Brown says he wants a national debate on whether to change the system of organ donation. He believes thousands of lives would be saved if everyone was automatically placed on the donor register. * * The Characteristics of Press English plain language This is an opportunity to build a new kind of international understanding, not politician to politician, great man to great man, but citizen to citizen, person to person. * * The Characteristics of Press English “in” words and buzz words Countries blame each other for distorting global demand, with weapons that range from quantitative easing to currency intervention and capital controls. LOGO Improved background knowledge of Eng


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