Lesson 2 China’s Export Trade Absorption of.ppt

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Lesson 2 China’s Export Trade Absorption of FDI (1)incorporated n. 股份有限公司;adj. 合并的,结合的(topic) incorporated (n.) :(US English) A type of company, a legal entity where the ownership has been arranged into shares. A shareholder has no responsibilities to the company and the potential losses of the shareholder are limited to the value of the stock turning to zero in the case of a bankruptcy. incorporated (adj.) : (mostly US)an adjective describing a type of (business) company that carries certain legal obligations. Acronyms: Inc; Ltd (UK English) Public Limited Liability Company: A type or form of for-profit incorporated company where ownership is divided into shares that are publicly tradeable usually in a stock exchange. Acronym: PLC. limited liability company:(law) A type or form of for-profit incorporated company where ownership is divided into shares, and where the governing rules are set forth in a contract entered into by all of the initial shareholders Synonyms LLC, Ltd. Company n. : In legal context, an entity that manufactures or sells products (also known as goods), or provides services as a commercial venture. A corporation; In non-legal context, any business, without respect to incorporation. corporation : A group of individuals, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members. firm: A business partnership, the name under which it trades. In economics, a collection of individuals grouped together for economic gain. manufacturer: one that to make things, usually on a large scale, with tools and either physical labor or machinery. One that to create goods from raw material, e.g. in a factory. business: has been discussed in Lesson 1. (2) Juggernaut 不可抗拒的力量(para3) 火车头、重卡,原意是指那种车体特长的重型货卡,借指大型的、破坏力强大的力量、机构等,可以用来形容公司或经济。类似用法还有behemoth(原指像河马一样体魄庞大的动物), colossus(原意是巨型雕像) (3)Think tank(para3) Think Tank智囊团 其他类似用法: Brain trust


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