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第32 卷第4 期 Vol.32 No.4 工 程 力 学 2015 年 4 月 Apr. 2015 ENGINEERING MECHANICS 145 文章编号:1000-4750(2015)04-0145-08 圆角多边孔蜂窝梁孔间腹板屈曲承载力研究 王培军,王旭东,马 宁 ( 山东大学土建与水利学院,山东,济南 250061) 摘 要:提出一种圆角多边形孔蜂窝梁孔间腹板受剪屈曲承载力的分析方法。该孔型蜂窝梁具有与圆孔蜂窝梁相 同的良好受力性能,但制作工艺简易且不损失扩展比。采用有限元方法研究了跨中集中力作用下蜂窝梁孔间腹板 的屈曲模式和屈曲承载力。有限元分析考虑的参数包括孔间距与孔高之比和孔高与腹板厚之比等。并提出了改进 的斜压柱理论模型以用于圆角多边形孔蜂窝梁孔间腹板的屈曲承载力计算。 关键词:结构工程;蜂窝梁;圆角多边形孔;孔间腹板;局部屈曲;屈曲承载力;斜压柱理论 中图分类号:TU391 文献标志码:A doi: 10.6052/j.issn.1000-4750.2013.10.0978 WEB-POST BUCKLING OF CASTELLATED STEEL BEAM WITH FILLET CORNER WEB OPENINGS WANG Pei-jun , WANG Xu-dong , MA Ning (Civil engineering College of Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong 250061, China) Abstract: An analytical method is presented for predicting the buckling strength of the web-post in a castellated steel beam with the newly proposed fillet corner openings. Castellated steel beams with the proposed opening shape have the same good structural performance as those having circular openings. However, they are simple and economical to manufacture and there is no loss in the expansion ratio. The buckling modes and buckling strength of the web-post were studied using the finite element method. The parameters studied included the ratio of the opening distance to the opening height, and the ratio of the opening height to the web thickness. A strut model is proposed to predicate the buckling strength of the web-post in a castellated steel beam with the new fillet corner openings. Key words: structural engineering; castellated steel beam; fillet corner web opening; web-post; local buckling; buckling strength; strut model 蜂窝梁由实腹H 型钢沿腹板曲线切割、错位焊 或跨高比


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