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毕业设计(论文)独创性声明 本人所呈交的毕业论文是在指导教师指导下进行的工作及取得的成果。除文中已经注明的内容外,本论文不包含其他个人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确说明并表示谢意。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 众筹融资的风险与防范研究 摘 要 近两年互联网金融在全球掀起一股热潮,俨然成为时下热门词语。互联网金融是传统金融行业与互联网精神相结合的新兴领域。与传统金融相比,互联网金融开展的业务所采用媒介不同,相比传统金融业有着更高的透明度、更强的协作性和更便利的操作性。而众筹,即大众筹资,作为新型的互联网金融模式,逐渐受到人们的关注。众筹融资是指利用网络良好的传播性,向网络投资人募集资金的金融模式。项目发起人通过社区平台向支持者筹集资金,以项目发布机制为起点,以市场营销机制为动力,以资金流转机制为核心,以利益回报机制为保障,以社区交流机制为协调。作为一种新生事物,众筹融资由于准入门槛低、渠道广泛等特点,众筹融资的风险也逐步显现。本文从众筹融资的基本情况入手,详细分析了众筹融资蕴藏着法律风险、技术风险、信用风险和管理风险。并从法律方面、信用监控方面、技术层面、内部管理方面提出了相应的防范措施,以期能够促进我国众筹融资的健康有序发展。 关键词:众筹;众筹融资;风险;监管 Study on the risk and prevention of the congregation to raise financing Abstract In recent years the Internet financial set off a boom in the world, has become a popular word. Internet banking is a new field of traditional financial industry and the Internet combined with the spirit. Compared with the traditional financial media, the Internet financial business is different, compared with the traditional financial sector has a collaboration of more transparency, more and more convenient to operate. And to raise the public, that public financing, as a new financial model of the Internet, people gradually pay attention to. Congregation to raise financing refers to the use of the network spread good, to the network of investors to raise funds of financial model. The project sponsors to raise funds to support the community platform, as a starting point to the project release mechanism, marketing mechanism as the driving force, the mechanism of transfer of funds as the core, to the interests of the return mechanism for security, community exchange mechanism for coordination. As a new thing, the congregation to raise financing because of the low barriers to entry, wide channels, financing risk is gradually revealed. In this paper, the basic situation of the herd to raise financing, a detailed analysis of the congregation to raise financing bears the legal risk, technology risk, c


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