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西南科技大学城市学院 课程设计论文(设计) 论文题目: 垫圈冲压模具设计 指导教师: 系 别: 机电工程系 专业班级: 姓 名: 学 号: 日 期: 201年月 垫圈冲压模具设计 摘要:在目前激烈的市场竞争中,产品投入市场的迟早往往是成败的关键。模具是高质量、高效率的产品生产工具,模具开发周期占整个产品开发周期的主要部分。随着工业产品质量的不断提高,冲压产品生产正呈现多品种、少批量,复杂、大型、精密,更新换代速度快的变化特点,冲压模具正向高效、精密、长寿命、大型化方向发展。为适应市场变化,随着计算机技术和制造技术的迅速发展,冲压模具设计与制造技术正由手工设计、依靠人工经验和常规机械加工技术向以计算机辅助设计(CAD)、数控切削加工、数控电加工为核心的计算机辅助设计与制造(CAD/CAM)技术转变。 在本次毕业设计中利用计算机辅助设计(CAD)绘制模具主要工作零件图和模具的总装配图,运用了数控切削加工、数控线切割电加工等先进加工技术。在这次设计中根据所给题目的要求,首先对冲压件进行了分析,分析该零件的尺寸精度得出用一般精度的模具即可满足零件精度的要求,再从零件的形状、尺寸标注及生产批量等情况看,选择加工方案。根据对零件的综合分析,在这次设计中我设计的模具是倒装落料冲孔复合模,主要介绍的是冲裁工艺、冲裁模的结构与设计、冲裁模落料冲孔的工作原理等。希望能够灵活运用所学的专业知识和技能,圆满完成此次的设计。 关键词:冲压;冲模;分离工序;冲裁件精度 Gasket stamping mould design Abstract: in the present the fierce competition in the market, products put on the market sooner or later is often key to success. Mold is high quality, high efficient product production tools, mould development cycle of the product development cycle of the main parts. Along with the industry product quality continuously improve, stamping products production is present many varieties, little batch, complex, large, precision, renewal speed of change characteristics and stamping mould is efficient, precision, long life, large-scale development direction. In order to adapt to market changes, along with the computer technology and manufacturing technology of the rapid development, stamping mould design and manufacturing technology is by hand design, rely on artificial experience and conventional mechanical processing technology to the computer aided design (CAD), CNC machining, CNC machining is the core of the computer aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology to change. In the graduation design using a computer aided design (CAD) drawing mould main parts of the die assembly drawings always chart and, using a numerical control machining, numerical control l


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