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第25 卷 第4 期 解放军外国语学院学报 Vol. 25 No. 4 2002 年7 月 Jour al of PLA U iversity of Foreig La guages July 2002 从姓氏字号看越南人对待汉文化的态度 冯 超 ( , 471003) : 越南人的姓名与中国人的姓氏字号有着 一脉相承的渊源关系, 它承载着丰富的汉文化内涵, 又渗透出越南 人试图挣脱汉文化影响的倾向, 姓名作为主流文化与土著文化结合的产物表现出越南人对待汉文化的态度 : 汉文化; 越南人姓名; 文化心态 : K8102 : A : 1002-722X (2002) 04-0114-05 A Study of the Vietnamese Attitude Towards Chinese Culture as Revealed in Their Personal Names FENG Chao ( Departme t Six , PLA U iversity of Foreig La guages, Luoya g, He a Prov. , 471003, Chi a) Abstract: Historically, the Viet amese perso al ames origi ated from the Chi ese o es. O the o e ha d, they i evitably co - tai traits of Chi ese culture; o the other ha d, they exhibit a te de cy that the Viet amese are tryi g to break away from the i flu- e ce of Chi ese culture. Therefore, perso al ames i Viet amese, as a product of the i teractio betwee a mai stream culture a d t he ative culture, reveal the i tricate att itude of the Viet amese towards Chi ese culture. Key words: Chi ese culture; Viet amese ames; cultural me tality , , , , , 1. : , , , , , , , , , , , , ac, u c, ; lla, , , , : , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; : 2001- 11- 13; : 2002- 03- 29 : 冯 超 ( 1977- ) , 男, 河北唐山人, 解放军外国语学院亚非语言文学专业在读研究生, 主要从事越南国情 和文化研究 第4 期 冯 超 从姓氏字号看越南人对待汉文化的态度



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