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北京2011届学术论文 “营改增”对物流业的影响分析 学生姓名:(四号宋体居中,2倍行距,下同) 学 号: 班 级: 专 业: 学 部: 指导教师: ****年**月 (中文三号宋体,居中)(例如:二○一一年六月) “营改增”对物流业的影响分析 “business tax change into VAT” to impact on the logistics industry analysis 学生:(四号宋体,2倍行距,下同) 班级: 学号: 学部: 专业: 指导教师: 职称: 工作单位: 学术论文完成时间: 自 年 月 至 年 月 摘 要 改革开放以来,我国交通运输业的发展取得了很好的成效,运输线路不断延伸,交通运输网持续提升,技术装备水平明显改善,管理水平显著提高。但与发达国家相比,我国的交通运输业发展水平依然落后,运输市场仍满足不了市场经济发展的需求。对交通运输业征收营业税有重复征税、税收负担重的弊端,这些严重阻碍着我国交通运输业的发展。十二五期间,交通运输业“营改增”成为我国税制结构调整的主要内容。2012年1月1日,交通运输业“营改增”试点在上海拉开帷幕。试点改革以来成效明显,基本达到了结构性减税的目标。2013年8月1日起,交通运输业“营改增”政策在全国推行,此次改革进入到第三个阶段。随着上海“营改增”的平稳顺利进行,有89%的试点企业在改革后税负得到不同程度的下降。2013年8月1日以后,“营改增”范围推广到全国试行,随着24个新纳入试点地区第一个申报期顺利结束,新旧税制转换基本完成。实行“营改增”对于物流企业有何意义,作为主要的改革对象将产生什么影响以及采取何种措施,都值得我们深入探讨。 关键词:物流业;“营改增”;影响 Abstract Since the reform and opening up, the development of the transport industry has achieved good results, the continuous extension of transport routes, transport networks continue to improve technology and equipment levels were significantly improved significantly improve the management level. However, compared with developed countries, the level of development of the transport industry is still lagging behind, still can not meet the needs of the transport market, the market economy. For transportation sales tax has double taxation, the tax burden of the drawbacks of these serious impediment to the development of the transportation industry. During the second five, transportation, Camp changed to increase has become the main content of our tax restructuring. January 1, 2012, transportation, Camp changed by pilot kicked off in Shanghai. Since the pilot reform achieved remarkable success, basically reached the structural tax red


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