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Do the exercises on page 84. Unit 21 Lesson 3 Epidemics Explained Do you still remember SARS ? What did you feel when SARS was spreading? What’s the outcome of SARS ? Besides SARS, what other diseases can be epidemic? epidemic cancer wipe out urban rebuild empire trial prohibit unite pause n. 流行病 n. 癌,癌症 彻底毁灭 adj. 城市的 vt. 重建 n. 帝国 n. 实验 vt. 禁止 vt. 联合,团结 n. 暂停,停顿 New Words acute statistics symptom routine press parallel tissue adaptation foresee mourn adj. 剧烈的,严重的 n. 统计资料,统计数字 n. 症状 n. 常规,惯例 n. 新闻界,报界 n. 平行线,极相似之处 n. 组织 n. 变化,变种 vt. 预见 vt. 感到悲痛,表示哀悼 New Words carrier prescription tablet underline thorough systematic teamwork faith stop sth. in its tracks pill n. 带菌者 n. 处方 n. 药片 vt. 强调 adj. 彻底的 adj. 系统化的 n. 协作,配合 n. 信心 终止,消灭 n. 药丸,药片 New Words Reading Reading strategies: Sequencing of information 1. Read the text with gaps . 2. Read the sentences before and after the gaps. 3. Read the missing paragraphs. 4. Put the missing paragraphs in the gaps. 5. Reread the whole passage. Skim the passage to get the main idea Read the text to find how the passage develop? In order of time In order of space In order of logic In order of place Use the strategies to match the five paragraphs with gaps. A B C D E Paragraph 3 Paragraph 5 Paragraph 8 Paragraph 10 Paragraph 12 1. die of /die from 二者均可表示因……而死亡 指疾病造成的死亡用die of 和die from 均可。 die from还可表示因外部创伤或间接的 原因而死。 die from overwork die of 常指因内部原因造成的死亡, 如:疾病、饥渴、年老、悲伤、事故等。 die of disease/hunger/old age/sadness/ accident Language points die by 指死于暴力, 刀或剑等凶器。如: die by the sword/hanging die for 为某种事业或目的而死。如: die for one’s country/ the people/ the revolutionary cause die in poverty 因贫穷而死  die away 逐渐减弱、消失 die out 绝迹、灭亡 This custom has died out in China. be dying for 极想得到…… She is dying for a piano of her own. They are dying for a visit to the Great Wall. 2. alarm 1)vt. 使惊慌,使恐慌 Her illness alarmed her mother. 2)n. 警报的声音或信号 fire a


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