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标准化作业Standard Work NOS House Pillars What is a Standard?什么是标准? Standardized Work (SW)标准化作业 Why…Standardized Work?为什么要。。。标准化作业 Reasons for Using Standardized Work标准化作业的理由 Standardized, Quality Processes Lead toQuality Results…..优良的, 标准化的流程带来优质的结果 Principles for Standardized Work 标准作业原则 Standardized Work Overview 概况 Requirements of Standardized Work标准化作业条件 Components of Standardized Work标准化作业要件 Standard Work Component 1: Takt Time and Cycle Time要件1:节拍时间和循环时间 Standard Work Component 2: Work Sequence要件2:工作次序 Standard Work Component 3: Standard In-Process Stock 要件3:标准在线库存 Four Tools (Forms) to Develop Standard Work 4种工具报表 Job Analysis Sheet 工作分析表 Job Analysis Example范例 Production Capacity Sheet 产能分析表 The Production Capacity Sheet: 使用在机器设备的流程 提供各流程产能狀況 突现瓶颈流程 改善活动的焦点 Standardized Work Combination Table人机分析表 The Work Combination Table: 使用在人机并存的流程 指出员工工作范围 工作次序分析 显示各工作所需時間 突显瓶颈流程 改善活动的焦点 Standardized Work Combination Table 人机分析表 Standardized Work Sheet 标准化作业书 Standardized Work Sheet (SWS): Provides an overview of the work-station layout 提供工作区域的俯瞰图 Documents items such as takt time, work sequence and work-in process stock 记录节拍时间, 工作次序和在线库存 Indicates the specific motions and sequence of the work 显示具体的动作和工作次序 Includes all materials, tools, and PPE 包含所有材料,工具和个人防护用品 Provides common foundation for improvements提供改善的共同基础 How to Make A Standardized Work Sheet标准化作业书 Determine the Takt time确定节拍时间 Analyze the job steps (Job Analysis Sheet)分析工作步骤(工作分析表) Identify and remove waste (Work Combination Table)识别并消除浪费() Fill out the standardized work sheet编写标准化作业书 Standardized Work Sheet标准化作业书 Standardized Work Sheet标准化作业书 Standardized Work Sheet标准化作业书 Standardized Work Sheet标准化作业书 Standardized Work Sheet标准化作业书 Standard Work Simulation 标准化作业模拟练习 Critical Success Factors for Standard Work成功施行标准化作业的关键 Establishing Clear Roles and Responsibilities 设立清晰的工作角色和职责 Maintaining the Standard Worksheet 改进标准化作业书 Leadership Support 领导层的支持 Avoiding Common Problems 避免常有的失误 Roles an
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