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民航服务英语 Review(复习) Useful Phrases(常用短语) 民航英语200句 New Words(生词) Text Analysis(课文分析) Exercises(作业) Teaching Steps and Teaching Aim 一、单词类 Embarkation 登机,上船 May I have another embarkation card? 请再给我一张旅客出境登记表好吗? Lounge(旅馆、机场等处的)休息室 Where is the second class lounge??请问二等舱休息室在哪里? Currency 货币,通货 Putting currency into circulation 货币投放 visa 签证 They extended her visa.?他们延长了她签证的有效期限。 Transit 过境,过度,通过运行, 运输, 运输线,变迁, 改变, The overland transit 陆上运输路线 the transit of autumn to winter 从秋季到冬季的过渡 Restriction 限制,限定 a restriction against smoking in schools 禁止在学校吸烟 Retain 保持,保留 to retain ones balance 保持平衡 a wall to retain the lake 挡住湖水的堤坝 Emphasize 强调,着重 I must emphasize the fact that they are only children. 我必须强调这一事实,即他们只不过是孩子。 Thoroughly 彻底地;详尽地 apply thoroughly; think through. 彻底地应用;思考并得出结论。 Be familiar with 熟悉;通晓 Be you familiar with that sort of work??你熟悉那种工作吗? Responsibility 责任,责任心,职责 The responsibility is awesome.这种责任重大。 二、乘务英语 61.The lavatory is occupied.卫生间有人用着。 62.The lavatory is vacant.卫生间没人。 63.No smoking is allowed in the lavatories.洗手间内禁止任何人吸烟。 64.We have entered an area of turbulence. The plane may be very bumpy. Please fasten your seat belt and don’t walk about in the cabin. 我们已进入紊流区域,飞机可能会颠簸。请您系好安全带,不要在机舱内走动。 Or: Our plane is bumping hard. Please keep your seat belt fastened. 65.You could draw down the window-shade and turn the reading light off and fasten your seat-belt so that you can take a good nap. 您可放下遮阳板,关掉阅读灯,系好安全带,这样您能好好休息一下。 66.Blankets and pillows are stowed in the overhead lockers, and eye shades and socks are placed on your seat. 毛毯及枕头放在上面的柜中,遮目镜及袜子放在您的座位中。 67.In order to ensure the normal operation of airplane navigation and communication system, you are kindly requested not to use your cellular phone/CD player/FM receiver. 为确保飞行和通信系统的正常操作,请您不要使用手提电话/激光唱机/调频收音机。 68.There is a heavy thunderstorm ahead of us. We have no way to pass it . So we have decide to return to Shinnying.  Much to our regret for the inconvenience


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