罗森 财政学 第七版(英文版) 配套习题及答案Chap012.docVIP

罗森 财政学 第七版(英文版) 配套习题及答案Chap012.doc

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罗森 财政学 第七版(英文版) 配套习题及答案Chap012.doc

CHAPTER 12 - Taxation and Income Distribution Multiple-Choice Questions 1. Statutory incidence of a tax deals with a) the amount of revenue left over after taxes. b) the amount of taxes paid after accounting for inflation. c) the person(s) legally responsible for paying the tax. d) the amount of tax revenue generated after a tax is imposed. e) none of the above. 2. Taxes a) are mandatory payments. b) are necessary for financing government expenditures. c) do not directly relate to the benefit of government goods and services received. d) are all of the above. 3. General equilibrium refers to a) examining markets without specific information. b) finding equilibrium from general information. c) pricing goods at their shadow price. d) all of the above. e) none of the above. 4. A demand curve that is perfectly inelastic is a) horizontal. b) vertical. c) at a 45 degree angle. d) parallel to the X-axis. 5. In 2002, the top 1% of all income earners paid _________ percent of federal taxes. a) 1.0 b) 4.1 c) 20.6 d) 24.9 e) 33.3 6. A tax on suppliers will cause the supply curve to shift a) up. b) down. c) right. d) left. e) in none of the above directions. 7. A monopoly has ______ seller(s) in the market. a) 0 b) 1 c) 3 d) many e) all of the above 8. An ad valorem tax is a) given as a proportion of the price. b) Latin for “buyer beware.” c) identical to a unit tax. d) computed using the “inverse taxation rule.” 9. An industry where the capital-labor ratio is relatively high is characterized as a) capital intensive. b) labor intensive. c) income intensive. d) market intensive. e) none of the above. 10. Demand for cigarettes is a) relatively elastic. b) relatively inelastic. c) constant over time. d) greater among wealthier people. 11. When marginal tax rates are constant, a) the change in taxes paid is the same as the change in income. b) the change in taxes paid is greater than the change in income. c) the change in taxes paid is less than the change in income. d) there a


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