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Chinese painting style emphasizes empty and no,performs for virtual, in other words,it centers on heart. advocates freehand brushwork,pursuits likeness Western painting style stresses “does” and “has”, performs for “real”, pursuits resemble,in contrary ,it centers on entity. Chinese painting colours Chinese painting uses lines as main modeling means.Also it mainly has two colours--white and black,just because it only uses writing brush and Chinese ink. Western painting colours Western painting mainly uses light and colour to perform images.It has various kinds of colours.And its painting tools are diverse,including pens ,oil color medium,charcoal etc. Chinese painting perspective For Chinese painting, perspective has no sence ,thus ,minority of Chinese painting use perspective.Then,it can explain why portraits have no light and shade contrast. Western painting perspective It is totally different for Western painting.It perfectly apply perspective skill,making some still life painting just like real things. Chinese painting space It is common for Chinese painting to leave a large empty space on paper,which is called 留白. Western painting space However,for Western painters,they are supposed to fullly use every space on the paper.Because it is advocated to be full on the paper. Summarize For instance---greeting Differences in culture Differences in wedding Differences in music Differences in painting Differences in education Differences in dress Differences in gestures Reasons for these differences the culture of east and west has its own features: In western countries, people‘s thinking mode characterized by Aristotle’s logical and analytical thinking;(亚里士多德的逻辑和分析思维为特征) In China, people‘s thinking mode characterized by dialectical thinking and organism thinking(辩证和整体思维为主要特征)。 Watching Then let us watch this silent film conclusion Different countries have different cultures. Fully understand and respect when communicating with people from different


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