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车道偏离预警系统(LDW)研究报告 摘要:为了积极应对由车道偏离引发的交通安全事故,车道偏离预警系统被广泛应用于现代汽车。报告从车道偏离倒是事故的严重性和车道偏离预警的重要性出发,阐述了车道偏离预警系统的背景和意义。报告主要根据检测车辆横向位置分类,回顾了基于道路基础构造和车辆的车道偏离的警告系统,并简要介绍了相关成熟产品。报告回顾了车道偏离预警系统的四类警告标准,包括:CCP标准、FOD标准、TLC标准和KBIRS标准。报告介绍了以ISO 17361:2007和FMCSA-MCRR-05-005为主的两种车道偏离预警系统标准。通过实例,按道路图像预处理、车道检测、车道线检测和车道偏离检测介绍了车道偏离预警系统的实现。最后,报告对车道偏离预警系统进行了回顾和展望。 关键词:交通安全;车道偏离;预警系统;车道检测;车道线检测 Research on lane departure warning system (LDW) Abstract: In order to respond to the traffic accidents caused by lane departure actively, lane departure warning system (LDW) are widely used in modern cars. The background and significance of LDW was explained from the serious of the lane departure causing accidents and the importance of LDW. The system based on road infrastructure construction and vehicles’ lane departure was recalled, which was mainly based on the classification of detected vehicles’ lateral position, and the relevant mature products was described briefly. The warning criteria of four lane departure warning systems including CCP standard, FOD standard, TLC standard KBIRS standard was reviewed. Two LDW standards including ISO 17361:2007 and FMCSA-MCRR-05-005 were introduced. The released of LDW was introduced in order by road image preprocessing, lane detection, lane marking detection and lane departure detection according example. Finally, LDW was reviewed and discussed. Keywords: traffic safety; lane departure; warming system; lane detection; lane marking detection 目录 1 车道偏离预警系统的背景和意义 1 1.1车道偏离导致事故的严重性 1 1.2车道偏离预警的重要性 1 1.3车道偏离预警系统的定义 1 2 车道偏离预警系统的分类 2 2.1根据检测车辆横向位置分类 2 2.1.1基于道路基础构造的车道偏离警告系统 2 2.1.2基于车辆的车道偏离警告系统 2 3 车道偏离警告系统采用的警告标准 5 3.1 CCP标准 5 3.2 FOD标准 6 3.3 TLC标准 6 3.4 KBIRS标准 7 4 LDW系统的安全标准 9 5.车道偏离预警系统的实现(实例) 12 5.1道路图像预处理 12 5.1.1路面坐标与图像坐标的转换 12 5.1.2道路图像的灰度化 14 5.1.3道路图像的滤波增强 15 5.2车道检测 15 5.2.1车道检测范围 15 5.2.2感兴趣区域(ROI, region of interest) 16 5.3车道线检测 17 5.3.1卷积法[4] 17 5.3.2Lucas-Kanade (L-K)光流法 18 5.3.3车道线追踪(Kalman滤波法) 20 5.4车道偏离检测 20 5.4.1根据标准预警 20 5.4.2基于时空机理的车道偏离预警 22 5.5测试



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