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Interview of Director-General of the MFA Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs Deng Zhonghua by Phoenix Satellite TV Deng: As you said, Vice Foreign Minister Fu Ying yesterday comprehensively elaborated to the Philippine charge daffaires of the position of the Chinese Government on the Hengyang Island issue and our views about the future. I would like to take this opportunity to tell our audiences that China and the Philippines are close neighbors only separated by a strip of water. We have a history of more than one thousand years of friendly exchanges. In terms of history, culture or even ties of blood, we are just like distant relatives. In fact, since the Tang Dynasty we have had exchanges with the Philippines. Such exchanges and contacts between China and the Philippines, especially the business, cultural and social exchanges are becoming closer and closer. It should be said that we have one thousand reasons to maintain and develop such traditional friendly relations between China and the Philippines without any single reason to sabotage such relations. We should engage in win-win cooperation. This should be the situation we expect. * * 外交部边海司司长邓中华接受凤凰卫视访谈 邓中华  ????1961年出生。1982年毕业于武汉大学,1986年获国际法硕士学位,1994年获国际法博士学位。 ????1986年起在外交部港澳边和中英联合联络小组中方代表处工作,参与香港回归过渡期谈判工作。 ????1998年8月 河北省廊坊市安次区区委副书记 ????2000年2月 中国驻墨尔本总领馆副总领事 ????2004年6月 外交部港澳台司参赞、副司长 ????2008年3月 外交部港澳台司司长 ????2011年9月 外交部边海司司长 2012年5月8日,外交部边海司司长邓中华做客凤凰卫视《新闻今日谈》栏目,就黄岩岛问题接受主持人阮次山先生采访,介绍了此次黄岩岛事件的背景及中方在黄岩岛问题上的立场和政策主张,强调菲律宾应回到外交途径解决黄岩岛事件的正确轨道上来。 On May 8, 2012, Director-General of the Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Deng Zhonghua received the interview on the issue of Huangyan Island by Moderator Anthony Yuen of Phoenix Satellite TVs News Talk. Deng introduced the background of the Huangyan Island issue and Chinas position and policy proposition. He stressed that the Philippines should return to the right track of seeking diplomatic solution to the Huan


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