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高考英语书面表达: 话题作文之 命题 命题者可能会要求考生就某项比赛或课外活动等写一份通知,或就具体的聚会、野餐、烧烤、春游等课外活动写一份通知或写活动的日记。可能要求考生就学生的穿着发表看法;就学生对任课教师开展评教活动发表看法;学校在节假日该不该补课。学生该不该参加校外的各种形式的特长训练,如钢琴培训、外语培训、勤工俭学等。 一.成都二诊英语书面表达 你校拟在课外时间开设烹饪课。现在,请你根据以下提示,给校刊的英语专栏些一篇短文。 1.同学们对开设烹饪课看法各异; 2.你持赞成态度及其理由(两点); 3.你对开设烹饪课的建议(一条)。 注意:词数120字左右; 参考范文: Recently, our school is planning to offer us a cooking course as one of the after-school activities. Towards this, students have different attitudes. In my opinion, the cooking course can be beneficial and enjoyable. By attending it ,we can learn a very useful living skill to help ourselves not only live independently but also take care of our families. Besides, taking this course is a way to reduce our study pressure and enrich our after-school life. To make the course a great success, I’d like to make a suggestion here. I think it would be ideal if the teachers tell us how to cook safely in order not to get hurt while practicing cooking. Actually, the idea of providing the coking course for students is very creative and I’m really looking forward to it. 二.成都二诊书面表达典型错误: 1.中式英语 I very like the cooking course. we will learn we would like to learn what. 2.关系不一致 Furthermore,it do good to us so that we can have a colourful life. There have an activity about cooking course in our school. It is a waste time to learn unnecessary class. There is no doubt that attending the cooking course have many advantages. 3.词性混用 There are many students who against the idea. The experts can teach us how to keep health. In addition,the cooking course is benefit to our future. 4.谓语动词的典型错误 Students are don’t interested in it. They think this course is not do good to them. It’s can make us keep healthy. I’m very agree with a cooking course. 5.非完整句子 I think about this course will enable us to learn a living skill. There are many students said this course is of great use. 三.学生习作佳句 Some people who are in favor of the course claim it has a lot


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