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摘 要 本次60V变电站电气部分设计,首先对变电站变压器的负荷计算和无功补偿进行了系统的计算,其中通过对变电所的负荷状态和自然条件来对负荷计算进行系统的计算分析,而电容器组总容量的确定是对补偿电容器进行计算的前提条件。其次确定了主变压器的台数、型式和容量。对电气主接线的选择,通过计算分析,确定了接线方式。短路计算是本次电气设计重要的环节,因为它对电气主接线、电气设备、继电保护、接地方式的选择都起到了至关重要的作用。电气设备要从母线、断路器、隔离开关、互感器等几个方面选择出最佳方案。继电保护主要分为保护、保护、保护、保护,通过比较计算选择最好的保护方式。防雷保护是通过分析计算来确定避雷针高度以及它的保护范围。最后确定变电站的配电装置和电气平面的总布置Abstract The design of 60kv electric substation and transformer substation caculated the load calculation and reactive power compasition in the first place. Whats more, though the caculation of the substations load state and natural conditions,we can make a load caculation of the system. While,the determination of the total capacity of capacitors is the pre-condition to caculate the compensation capacity. In the second place, it makes sure of the number,tape and capacity of the main transform substation. The choice of main electrical wiring is through the caculation analysis to determine the connection mode. Short circuit caculation is the crucial link of the electrical design. Because it plays an important role in making thd choice of the way of grouding, electrical wring,electrical equipment and relay protection. The electric equipment must choose from the aspects of bus,breakers,isolating switch transformer as the best method. The relay protection is mainly devided into transformer differental protection,gas protection,overvoltage protection and over current protection. We must choose the best way of protection by caculating comparantly. The lighting protection is to make sure of the range and the height of the lighting by analysising and caculating.Last but not least, we must make sure that the sustations electric and the distribution of electric plain. Key words:substation;short circuit computing;relay protection; ightning protection 目 录 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1我国电力行业发展概况 1 1.2变电所的类型概述 2 1.3变电所电气设备概述 3 第2章 负荷计算 4 2.1 负荷计算简介 4 2.2 负荷计算 5 2.3无功补偿计算 6 第3章 主变压器的选择 9 3.1 主变压器台数的确定 9 3.2 主变压器型式的选用 9 3.3 主变压器容量的确定 10 3.4主变压器形式的选择 11 第4章 主接线的设计 12 4.1 设计


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