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编号 毕业设计(论文) 60kV孙家降压变电所电气部分设计 Design of 60 kV slips step-down substation electrical part 学院名称 新能源学院 专业名称 电气工程及其自动化 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 教授 2015年6月20日 摘 要 随着社会现代化建设的飞速发展,近年来城市电网建设力度亦随之加大,各地区不同电压等级变电所的建设已成为电力行业中非常重要的一项建设发挥着重要的作用。本毕业设计论文是60kV孙家降压变电所电气部分设计。为了保证供电的可靠性和一次性满足远期负荷的要求,按照远期负荷规划进行设计建设,从而保证变电所能够长期可靠供电 首先采用需要系数法,直接求出有功负荷、无功负荷和视在功率负荷。应用计算负荷结果最终确定两台20000kVA变压器作为主变,以及无功补偿值为3742kVar。电气主接线是通过对两种主接线的经济性、可靠性以及优缺点的比较,得出最适合本所要求的主接线。短路电流计算中主要选择了高压侧、低压侧和负荷侧三个短路点进行计算。在正常工作状态下进行电气设备(断路器、隔离开关、电流互感器、电压互感器、母线和避雷针)选择,按短路条件校验电气设备的动稳定和热稳定Abstract With the rapid development of social modernization, and in recent years, the city power grid construction also increased, the area of different voltage grade change electric construction has become very important in the power industry to a building plays an important role. This graduation design thesis is the design of the electrical part of the 60kV suns house of the buck substation. In order to ensure the reliability of the power supply and meet the requirements of long-term load, according to the long-term load planning to design and construction, so as to ensure that the power supply can be long-term reliable power supply Firstly, the active load, reactive load and apparent power load are obtained by using the coefficient method. The application of calculation load results in the final determination of two 20000kVA transformer as the main transformer, and reactive power compensation value is 3742kVar. Electric main wiring is through the two main wiring of the economy, reliability and the comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the main wiring. In the calculation of the short circuit current, the three short circuit points of the high voltage side, the low pressure side and the load side are chosen. Under the normal working condition of electrical equipment (such as circuit breaker, isolating switch, current transformer, voltage transformer, bus and the lightning rod) choi


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