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Executive Workshop Vincent Cheng Director of Pharmanex Division, NuSkin Taiwan 如新企業集團的願景 Our Vision 我們的願景是成為世界直銷公司的領導者,為直銷商創造比同業更為豐厚的收入。 Our Goal is to become the world’s leading direct selling company by generating more income for distributors than any other company. 每年平均付出美金五億的直銷商獎金 average yearly commission payout is US$ 500 millions 1984年以來總共付出40億美金的獎金 Since 1984, Nu Skin commission payout is US$ 4 billions 如新企業集團的使命 Our Mission 我們的使命是要在世界各地凝聚一股善的力量,憑藉酬報優渥的事業機會、不斷創新的優質產品,和充實積極的優良文化,賦予人們提高生活品質的力量。 Our Mission is to a force for good throughout the world by empowering people to improve lives with rewarding business opportunities, innovative products, and an enriching and uplifting culture. 量化的優勢 The Measurable Difference 多數競爭者行銷策略都一樣 Most competitors’ marketing stories are the Same 產品效果的科學證據有限 Little scientific evidence of product efficacy 證據有限則形同沒有證據 Absence of evidence is evidence of absence 口說無憑 All talk, no proof 沒有第三單位認證、沒有獨特性、沒有研發及良好的品質 No independent validation, no uniqueness, no RD, no product quality 科學就必須量化 Science must measure 唯一能夠量化的公司 Only company that can measure 若無法量化,便不是科學 if you can’t measure, it’s not science 傳統直銷市場策略是-”相信我”策略;華茂生技的策略是”不要相信我,除非你能親眼證實” Traditional network marketing approach is a “trust me” approach – Pharmanex approach is a “don’t trust me, trust your own eyes” approach 華茂生技消費者才能有最好的產品 Pharmanex consumers are taking the best products 華茂生技是唯一可以容易建立並鞏固您事業的公司 Pharmanex is the only company that makes your business easier and more compelling 華茂是甚麼公司 Who is Pharmanex? 華茂生技是ㄧ家以科學為基礎, 以製藥級的方法來研究發展安全有效的營養品公司 Pharmanex is a science-based company that use pharmaceutical standard for research, and produce products that is absoulutely safe and effective. 投入科研的事實 我們的科研 Our RD Pharmanex科研合作機構 Associations and Affiliations 華茂是第一家登上PDR的營養品公司 Pharmanex is the 1st to list their supplement in PDR 掃描儀的非凡成就! Extraordinary awards by BPScanner 榮獲2005年”美國企業大獎”(American Business Awards)之最佳創新公司首獎 (most innovative company) 榮


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