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特 点 毛细管电泳的基本原理 电泳分离的基础 毛细管电泳 毛细管电泳装置 毛细管区带电泳 毛细管凝胶电泳 毛细管等速电泳 Process Needed to Generate a Mass Spectrum Generate desolvated ions (Sources) Transfer ions into mass spectrometer vacuum (Interface Region) Mass analyze ions (Quadrupoles in vacuum condition) Detect ions (Detector in vacuum condition) Process the Data (Software) Q1 full scan Q3 full scan Selected ion monitoring (SIM) Product ion scan Precursor ion scan Constant neutral loss scan Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) Q1 MS Scans Q3 MS Scans Many precursor to product ion pairs can be monitored (A-B, A’-B’, etc.) MRM is the best way to maximize signal intensity of product ions MRM used primarily for quantitation 与四极杆分析器类似,离子在离子阱内的运动遵守所谓马蒂厄微分方程,也有类似四极杆分析器的稳定图。在稳定区内的离子,轨道振幅保持一定大小,可以长时间留在阱内,不稳定区的离子振幅很快增长,撞击到电极而消失。对于一定质量的离子,在一定的U和Vrf下,可以处在稳定区。改变U或Vrf的值,离子可能处于非稳定区。如果在引出电极上加负电压,可以将离子从阱内引出,由电子倍增器检测。因此,离子阱的质量扫描方式与四极杆类似,是在恒定的U/Vrf下,扫描Vrf获取质谱。 Scan Mode Q1 Full Scan (Start – Stop) Q1 always used as single MS analyzer Used primarily for ident. of precursor ion Q3 operates in RF-only mode SIM - Selected Ion Monitoring (or multiple ions): Used to optimize analyzer for specific ions for MS/MS SIM used for quantitative analyses Q3 Full Scan (Start – Stop) Q3 always used as single MS analyzer Used primarily for ident. of precursor ion or for IDA use Q1 operates in RF-only mode SIM - Selected Ion Monitoring (or multiple ions): Used to optimize analyzer for specific ions for MS/MS SIM used for quantitative analyses Total ion chromatography Patrinia villosa Juss Section Five: Liquid chromatography-Mass spectrometry LC/MS High-performance liquid chromatography-Mass spectrometry HPLC/MS 单级质谱 HPLC-tandem Mass spectrometry HPLC-MS/MS 多级质谱 液相色谱与质谱联用:主要是利用了液相色谱的分离功能和质谱强大的检测功能,从而达到高效分离和检测的目的。 质谱分析法是通过对被测样品离子的质荷比的测定来进行分析的一种分析方法。被分析的样品首先要离子化,然后利用不同离子在电场或磁场的运动行为的不同,把离子按质荷比(m/z)分开而得到质谱,通过样品的质谱和相关信息,可以得到样品的定性定量结果。 Neutral 101 102 103 104 105 Molecular Weight Ionic Analyte Polarity IonSpray APCI GC/MS 离子源 1、Atmospheric


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