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Unit 10 Risks I. Teaching Objectives Theoretical basis: College English Syllabus 1999 ; College English Curriculum Requirements 2004 World knowledge based on Ss’ current situation : What kinds of risks reach to us often? physical ones, financial ones and emotional ones What are the different attitudes towards risks? optimists and pessimists Precautions against possible risks considerations beforehand, evaluation to the possible situation 2. Linguistic knowledge: 1 vocabulary: a. the new words of CET-4 category usage, synonyms and antonyms, match, etc. 2 frequently-used phrases and expressions 3 some grammatical points sentence structure analyses, coherence, etc. 3. Language skills Listening: to understand the general idea of the passage, to get the specific information, to take notes while listening out the materials Speaking: to describe a picture, and then tell others what the picture conveys reasoning the opinion Reading: 1 intensive reading: skimming and scanning to get the general idea and specific information of the passage, 2 extensive reading: to get the main idea 3 to grasp the micro skills of inference, guessing and generalization 4 to have an impression of how a prose writes 5 to understand figurative language Writing: 1 sentence translation 2 to practice writing by contrast 3 to give supportive evidences to a certain opinion 4. Leaning strategies training: encourage the students to use appropriate strategies according to their personal differences and different tasks II. Focal Points and Difficult points Focal points: 1 skills training 2 the linguistic knowledge occurring in the unit 2. Difficult points: 1 to get the required information appropriately and exactly 2 to have insightful comprehension III. Teaching Methodology Mainly applying task-based approach and communicative one to construct a student-centered classroom The whole learning and teaching process is tended to follow the model of pre-task----task cycle--


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