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Unit One Text I “Never Give In, Never, Never, Never” by Winston Churchill An Integrated English Course Book 4 Pre-reading Questions Do you know when and how World War II broke out? What else do you know about it? What do you know of Winston Churchill? Listening Listen to a passage about Winston Churchill Andrea: He’s famous for giving a V sign for victory. Jean: 他动人心魄的讲演也是闻名于世。 Andrea: But he’s most famous for leading the United Kingdom during the Second World War. Hello, I’m Andrea. Jean: 大家好,我是董征。 Andrea: In these programmes we’re focussing on famous Britons – both old ones and new! Jean: 而我们今天的话题就是英国历史上最著名的风云人物之一:温斯顿?丘吉尔公爵。 Insert If the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years – men will still say this was their finest hour. Andrea: A clip there from one of Churchill’s well-known speeches. Born in 1874, he was a great statesman, an officer in the British Army, a historian, a Nobel Prize winning writer and an artist. Jean: 是的,丘吉尔不仅给二次世界大战中的所有英国人带来勇气和信心,他也让英国的所有同盟国军队都士气大增。不过,可能并不是所有人都知道,丘吉尔其实还是一位卓越的历史学家和艺术家。 The man was a politician, he was a soldier, he was a famous writer. He had any number of strings to his bow. And he was an enormous success and a major influence in British and indeed world history. Andrea: That was Phil Reid from the Churchill Museum and Cabinet War Rooms right here in London. Jean: 他给我们说到丘吉尔的政界生涯,还说到丘吉尔曾经的作家和士兵身份。 Andrea: The expression Phil uses is “having a number of strings to his bow”. Jean: 就是说他十分的多才多艺。 To have many strings to your bow. Andrea: Do you have many strings to your bow, Jean? Jean: Oh, Andrea, 我当然愿意说自己也是比较的多才多艺,不过和丘吉尔比起来,我的这些才艺可实在是不值一提了! Andrea: Well, even though Churchill did so many things in his lifetime you will be surprised to know that he actually didn’t do very well at school. He went to three different schools as a child and was often punished for being rebellious. Jean: To be rebellious 就是说他很有反叛精神,比较叛逆。 Andrea: And on top


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