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Berlin Jam Pack 柏林果酱包 In Berlin, people call it jam package, in other areas.It was called Berlin packages or patties. It is said that 1759.In a Berlin pastry chef invented this kind of food.Cake with jam packing,And then baked in the oil.Traditionally, jam in Berlin.Only the carnival can be supplied; Nowadays,everywhere can buy it . 在柏林,人们就叫它果酱包,在其他地区 它被称作柏林包或者小馅饼。据说,1759 年,一个柏林的糕点师傅发明了这种食品 糕饼以果酱为填料, 然后在油中烤制。 传统上,柏林果酱 包只在狂欢节的时 候供应;如今,随 时都可以买到。 Cheese pot 奶酪火锅 When eating cheese hot pot Is very important, two things: Excellent cheese and health of the stomach. First the sauce with white wine and cheese Heating until melted, then They wear to the long rod and spin in melted cheese Agitation. Who fell out of bread, he will be Penalty, such as sing a song or give you buy a bottle of wine. 吃奶酪火锅的时候,两样东西非常重要:上乘的奶酪和健康的胃。先将奶酪用白酒和调料加热直到融化,然后将面包块穿到长棒子上并在融化的奶酪中旋 搅动。谁的面包掉下去了,他就会受到罚,比如唱一首歌或者给大家买一瓶酒。 Heaven and earth 天与地 Apple from heaven and potatoes from the ground: so dishes "heaven and earth" with apple sauce and mashed potatoes as main ingredient, at the same time with Fried onion and sausages, usually black pudding. "Heaven and earth" belongs to the north German food, but also often appear in Saxony and France bursa region on the dining table. So, who invented the vegetables? No one knows. But we know that it originated in the age of 18. 苹果来自天上,土豆来自地里:所以菜肴“天与地”以苹果泥和土豆泥为 主料,同时配以煎洋葱和香肠, 通常是血肠。“天与地”属于北德菜,但也常出现在萨克森和法国阿 尔萨斯地区的餐桌 上。那么,谁发明了这种菜呢?没有人知道。不过我们知道它起源于18纪。 Potato pancake 土豆煎饼 Potato pancakes has many names: in cologne,It is called Riefkoche in munster,People call Reibekuchen in Munich is Reiberdatschi, Erdapfelpuffer in Vienna. But the basic practice is the same: potatoes peeled, ground, add eggs and a little flour, then fry into a "little cake". It can eat together with apple sauce, also can with fish or other things you like. 土豆煎饼有许多名字:在科隆,它被叫做 Riefkoche,在明斯特, 人们叫Reibekuchen,在慕尼黑是Reiberdatschi,在维也纳则是Erd?pfelpuffer。但


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