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What’s the meaning of Chinese character “文”and “化”? 这是对自强不息的进取精神的真实写照。它说明自然界是不断地向前运行和发展的,君子应以此为榜样,自强不息,努力向上,以便能与自然界的发展规律协调一致。 This is a real portraiture of persistent enterprising spirit which shows that the nature is constantly running forward that a gentleman should be based on this model, be self-reliant and work hard in order to coordinate with the development law of nature. 第一节 自强不息的进取精神和“和而不同”的宽容精神 1. Persistent enterprising spirit and the tolerance of “harmony in diversity” 中国长期的统一与中华文化中自强不息的进取精神是分不开的。中国文化中自强不息的进取精神,增强了民族的凝聚力和向心力,在两千多年的历史发展长河中,一直鼓舞着人们奋发向上,不断学习,不断前进。无数仁人志士,为了维护国家统一和民族团结,坚持与内部的邪恶势力和外来入侵势力作不屈不挠的斗争。 The long-term unity of China is partly due to the persistent enterprising spirit of the Chinese culture which has enhanced the centripetal and cohesive force of the nation, which has been inspiring people to exert themselves, to constantly learn and move forward in the long history of more than two thousand years. Myriad people with lofty ideals have adhered to struggle indomitably with internal evil forces and external invasion and oppression forces in order to maintain the unity of the state and the national unification. 诸如“剑外忽传收蓟(jì)北,初闻涕泪满衣裳。却看妻子愁何在,漫卷诗书喜欲狂”(杜甫:《闻官军收河南河北》)式的激动;“出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟”(杜甫:《蜀相》) 、“遗民忍死望恢复,几处今宵垂泪痕”(陆游:《关山月》)式的感慨都是以高度的自信自尊而表现出来的自强不息的精神。 第一节 自强不息的进取精神和“和而不同”的宽容精神 1. Persistent enterprising spirit and the tolerance of “harmony in diversity” This may be reflected in some poems, such as “In Jianmen when I heard government troops had recovered Jibei, my tears streamed down on my clothes. Looking back at my wife and children, I found they did not look worried any more. I felt on the top of the world as I put away all the books. In the daytime I sang happily in a loud voice and indulged in drinking. With the beautiful spring scenery all around I’ll return to my long-awaited hometown. I will set off right now, passing through Ba gorge, Wu gorge and Xiangyang area to the former capital city of L


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