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审计0952 仲文文 万艳雯 王晓艳 审计0951 严玉琴 张静 general situation Sightseeing custom Local delicious Hunan province is briefly named xiang,with Changsha as the provincial seat .Hunan is situated in south region of China and on middle stream of Yangtze River. Hunan is called the land of fish and rice for its large output of fish and rice. With a long history behind it,Hunan is rich in resources and products with its origin of economy and trade dating back to ancient times. Transportation in Hunan is convenient, with a three-dimensional transport network integrating railways,highways waterways and aviation. 湖南省简称湘,省会城市为长沙。湖南地处中国中南部,长江中游,因鱼和大米产量很大,号称鱼米之乡。湖南历史悠久,物产丰富,经济贸易源远流长。湖南交通便利,已建立起铁路、公路、水运、航空相结合的立体运输网络。 Zhang Jia Jie Mountain, one of the most fantastic places in China, is famous for its marvelous natural scenes.It presents a unique landscape of high mountains, grotesque peaks, beautiful waters, deep gorges, marvelous caves and exuberant forest. No wonder Li Bai had left: “Resignation to nirvana, to the Wulingyuan.” It also has such reputation for “Maze of nature” and “natural museum, Earth monuments “. 张家界自然景观奇特,举世罕见。峰奇,奇在千姿百态,景色各异;山秀,秀在云遮雾锁,郁郁葱葱;谷幽,幽在幽静深奥,幽在秀丽沉静;洞神,神在妙趣横生,妙在各有瑰宝。难怪李白曾叹道:”功成拂衣去,归于武陵源。它有”大自然的迷宫”、”天然博物馆、地球纪念物”之誉。 The location of Baofeng waterfall is below the entrance of Baofeng lake, it flows down straight from hundreds meters height, looks like white silk, sounds like thunder. In ancient times, the plank roads were been built along the face of a cliff, they connect with each other, looks breathtaking and peculiar. 宝峰飞瀑低于宝峰湖入口处,它从百米高处飞流直下,悬若白练,声如雷鸣,蔚为壮观. 云崖栈道由人工开凿在石壁上,上下勾连,奇险无比 Picture show We all have already heard about the unique scenery of Xiangxi. It locates at the central region of Wuling mountain range where thousands of mounts cross with each other. The karst caves, gorges and waterfalls are uncountable, the view there is wonderful. The Miao nationality and some other national minorities live on this land. The Diaojiao building and footpath


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