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Structured Writing Education also plays an important part in social progress. Education makes it possible to pass on the valuable knowledge of our ancestors, and easier to explore the contemporary world. Most inventions and advances have been made by well-educated people. Countries that have laid great emphasis on education have become developed and advanced. With the increasing number of educated people, China is developing quite fast. II. Practical Writing Practical Writing Congratulations on a New Venture (祝贺新业开张) 2. Reply to the Letter of Congratulations (复函) 3. Expressions of Congratulations Letters (常用套语) Congratulations Practical Writing Dear Mr. Lin, I have learned with great delight that you are opening your own traveling agency. I’d like to add my voice to the chorus of congratulations from all sides. With your brilliant background and long record of fine achievements, I’m sure the new agency will be a great success. With best wishes. Sincerely yours, John Chen Congratulations on a New Venture Practical Writing Dear Mr. Chen, That was a wonderful letter you wrote me. I certainly appreciate your congratulations. It’s quite an exciting adventure to have one’s own enterprise. And I guess I’ll need all the good wishes my friends have been sending me. Thanks for your interest, and you’ll always have my best service. Sincerely yours, Harry Lin 2. Reply to the Letter of Congratulations Practical Writing 3. Useful Expressions I congratulate you on… Please accept my heartiest congratulations on… I was delighted/thrilled/pleasantly surprised to hear/receive the news… May I join in the chorus o


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