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My hometown Enshi The daughter of July * Location Enshi is located in southwest of hunan, hubei, sichuan three provinces (municipalities) interchange. 是中国最年轻的自治州。这里生活着土家族、苗族、汉族、侗族等27个民族。由于被崇山峻岭所包围,恩施州美丽的自然景色和独特的民俗风情得以保存完好。 Enshi is Chinas youngest autonomous prefecture.Live here tujia, miao, han and dong 27 people.Because is surrounded by mountains, enshi beautiful natural landscapes and unique folk customs are well preserved. tujia people han people dong people miao people tujia people  恩施州风景以如诗如画的山水风光和光怪陆离的奇洞异穴为主,主要景点有清江、腾龙洞、鱼木寨、大水井宗祠、星斗山原始森林、土司王城、土家摆手堂、梭步垭石林等。 Enshi with picturesque scenery, landscapes and dazzling strange holes in different hole is given priority to, the main attractions are qingjiang, teng longdong, wooden fish village, big well ancestral hall, stars mountain virgin forest, toast step metropolis, tujia waving hall, spindle (stone forest and so on. 清江全程共分为红花峡、千瀑峡、蝴蝶峡三个峡段,峡谷两岸屏峦入画,石峰雄奇,绝壁林泉,瀑布飘逸,更有两岸的吊脚楼群和土家田园掩映在青山碧水之间,风景迷人,风情醉人,被中外游客赞誉为:中国最清江,土家最美河。 Stone mountain mountain canyon on both sides of the screen show, the grand, unique nymphs, waterfalls and elegant, on both sides of the more DiaoJiao buildings and tujia rural complements between castle peak green water, the scenery charming, amorous feelings of intoxicate, by Chinese and foreign tourists praised as: Chinas most qingjiang, tujia people is the most beautiful river. 腾龙洞风景名胜区,是国家地质公园,景区总面积69平方公里,集山、水、洞、林于一体,以雄、险、奇、幽、秀而驰名中外。 Teng longdong scenic area, is a national geological park, scenic areas a total area of 69 square kilometers, integrated with mountains, water, hole, forest, with the male, insurance, strange, quiet, beautiful and famous Chinese and foreign. 鱼木寨, 土家族山寨,这里有土家古堡、雄关、古墓、栈道和民宅,是国内保存最为完好的土家山寨,景区内城堡寨墙、古栈道保存完好,数十座古墓石雕精湛,隘关险道惊心动魄,村民生产生活用具古朴传统,民族风俗别有风味,素有世外桃源之美称。 Fish wood village, tujia shanzhai, there are castles, tujia people in north-west, tombs, plank road and residence, is the most preserved tujia villages in China, the scenic area inner city their wall, the ancient pla


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