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Brief introduction Location History Food Famous attractions The International Horticultural Exposition Xian Brief introduction 西安,陕西省省会,是举世闻名的世界四大文明古都之一,是黄河流域中华文明的发祥地。西安是中国唯一一个被定位“历史文化地”的城市。 Xi’an, the capital city of Shanxi province, records the great changes of the country just like a living history book. Called Chang‘ an (meaning the eternal city) in ancient times,?it is one of the birthplaces of the ancient Chinese civilization in the Yellow River Basin area. Location Xi’an is located in the central part of China and lies near the River Wei in the Guanzhong Plain ,on the middle reaches of the Yellow River. It is surrounded to the south by the Qinling mountain range, to the north by the River Wei, while the Mt.Hua stand at its east, and the highest peak of the Mt.Taibai at its west. 位于中国内陆腹地,黄河中游,关中平原中部,北临渭河,南依秦岭,东靠华山,西傍太白 History Xi’an was called Chang’an in ancient times. Universally reputed as a cultural and historical city, she is considered alongside with Cairo, Rome and Athens to be one of the “four ancient capitals” of the world. 西安古称长安,是中华民族和东方文明的发祥地之一。西安有3100多年的建城史和1100多年的国都史,先后有13个王朝在此建都,是与世界四大文明古都开罗,罗马,雅典齐名的古都。 “丝绸之路”以长安为起点,西至罗马古城。“长安文化”代表着中华文化的主干。 Food Food Culture Due to the cultural and historical diversity , the food in Xi’an attracts tourists with its profound cultures. Xi’an local snacks are famous as the representative of food culture in the northwest China. The next food is famous for its peculiar name and flavor. 由于历史的缘故,西安的饮食文化同样博大精深,作为中国西北饮食的代表,西安小吃最为著名。因回族众多,清真饮食在西安当地占有很大比例,如羊肉泡馍、腊牛羊肉以及著名的贾三灌汤包子。本地汉族小吃有肉夹馍,凉皮。 关中人最基本最普通的面食,除了蒸馍,恐怕就是“油泼辣子[比昂][比昂]面”。 有着这样一个顺口溜--“一点飞上天,黄河两道弯,八字大张口,言字往进走,左一扭右一扭,东一长(zhang)西一长,中间加个马大(dai)王。心字底,月字旁,留个钩搭挂麻糖,推个车车逛咸阳。”多少年来就一直听老人言传下来。因为这个字笔画繁多,所有字典都找不到,书面上极少见到,都是一边念顺口溜一边写才能写出这个字。 陕西八大怪 一怪----板凳不坐蹲起来 二怪----房子半边盖 三怪----姑娘不对外 四怪----帕帕头上戴 五怪----面条像腰带 六怪----锅盔像锅盖 七怪----油泼辣子是道菜 八怪----碗盆分不开 video 陕西美食 黑撒乐队 新 店内宣传片.flv Famous attractions The Bell Tower The Bell Tower, which is the largest and be


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