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Gansu Province Gansu is located in the western region of China which spans an area of 45 square kilometers. Gansu can be called Long or Gan. The silk road had once passed Gansu. Most famous cultural relics are located along the road between Tang and Han which stretches 1600km. Among them are Mogao cave, Great Wall of Jiayugaun, five springs mountain of Lanzhou, white tower mountain and so forth. Jiayuguan Pass Scenic Area Jiayuguan Pass scenic area is composed of three parts: Jiayuguan Pass, the First Beacon Tower, and the Overhanging Great Wall. Jiayuguan Pass was built at the narrowest point of Hexi Corridor. It is not only of great strategic importance but also a must pass to the west along the ancient Silk Road. 麦积山石窟 麦积山 Danxia Geopark Devil’s City 雅丹魔鬼城 据玉门关西75公里处,有一处典型的雅丹地貌群落,东西长约25公里,南北宽约4-5公里,敦煌 人俗称魔鬼城,因此暂且将其定名为“玉门关雅丹魔鬼城”。这片雅丹地貌群落远远超出了辞书中所定义的规模和形态,其个体和整体规模之大,形态之奇异实属举世罕见。其高度,低的四五米,高的有二三十米,长宽由十几米到几百米不等;其整体,象一座中世纪的古城。这座特殊的城市,有城墙、街道、大楼、广场、教堂、雕塑;其形象生动,惟妙惟肖,令世人瞠目。世界许多著名建筑都可以在这里找到它的缩影,北京的天坛,西藏的布达拉宫,埃及的金字塔,狮身人面像,草原上的蒙古包,阿拉伯的清真寺应有尽有,雕塑有威武的将军、大漠雄狮、孔雀开屏、丝路骆驼队、舰队远航、群鱼出海、中流砥柱......不可胜述。置身其中,宛若进入了世界建筑艺术博物馆,让人目不暇接,惊叹不已。这些大自然的杰作,堪称鬼斧神工,奇妙无比,让人佩服得五体投地 * 英语0717 2007521066 何颖 2007521068 陈梦娜 2007521070 林贵斌 Part I Encounter 河西走廊 河西绿洲 白唇鹿 金丝猴 骆驼 100年前的嘉峪关 It was initially built in 1373 during Ming dynasty and enjoys a history of over 600 years. Jiayuguan Pass is the western end of Ming Great Wall as well as the most magnificent and best-preserved pass among over 1000 passes along the Great Wall of Ming dynasty. Inner city 内城 barbican 围城 嘉峪关内城 The inner city has four turrets (corner tower) and a gate tower on the middle of each south and north walls. Wengcheng-the barbican entrance protected the eastern gate Guanghuamen and western gate Rouyuanmen of the inner city. 嘉峪关古道 MingSha Mountain 鸣沙山 位于敦煌城南约5公里处,东起莫高窟崖顶,西接党河水库,整个山体由细米粒状黄沙积聚而成,狂风起时,沙山会发出巨大的响声,轻风吹拂时,又似管弦丝竹,因而得名为鸣沙山。鸣沙山有两个奇特之处:人若从山顶下滑,脚下的沙子会呜呜作响;白天人们爬沙山留下的脚印,第二天竟会痕迹全无。 Mt.


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