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Exercise: Warm It Up! 练习:热身活动! Select one of the listed ‘arguments’ 选择列表中的争论之一 2. Select someone you don’t already know well 选择一个你不熟悉的学员搭档 Introduce yourself 介绍你自己 For one minute, “convince” the person of your ‘argument’ 用一分钟时间,让对方信服你的争论的话题 Reverse roles 交换角色 Complete the debrief questions 完成小节问题 Six Myths Of Conflict 六个关于冲突的误解 If I ignore it, it will go away 忽略冲突,它会自行消失。 All conflict must be resolved 必须解决所有的冲突。 Conflict damages innovation and productivity 冲突会损害创新和生产率。 4. Conflict is always bad 冲突一直都是有害的。 Conflict is a sign that there is a major problem 冲突是存在重大问题的信号。 Conflict is a sign that “management” doesn’t care 冲突是“管理层”不负责的一个信号 The Five Principles 五项原则 Conflict management is a learned behavior 冲突管理一项学习行为 2. Conflict is always a two party affair 冲突发生在两个人之间 3. When you improve your conflict skills, you WILL improve your relationships, your business success, and life. Period! 当你解决冲突的技巧提升了,你的人际关系、商业成功和生活质量也将得到提升。句号! 4. Becoming effective at dealing with conflict is a conscious choice 有效地处理冲突是一个有意识的选择 5. When you practice, your skills become automatic 熟能生巧 What Will I Learn? 我将学到什么? Review the listed statements 阅读表格中的陈述 Identify the five most important to you 确定对你最重要的五个 Housekeeping 管家部 What Has Been Your Experience? 你曾经历过什么? Think of a recent conflict with a co-worker, or family member that you initiated 回想最近由你发起的和同事或家人之间的冲突 2. Respond to the listed questions 回答列表上的问题 Note: Only you will see this worksheet 注意:只有你自己看得到 Self-Assessment 自我测评 Evaluation of your current knowledge of this topic area will help you to determine how this workshop can enhance your current skill level 该评估将帮助你确定本教程将在多大程度上提升你目前的技能水平。 Please be honest. Only you will see the results 请如实回答,只有你自己看得到。 LM 1: What Is Conflict? 学习模块1:什么是冲突 “Conflict occurs whenever people disagree. Positive conflict creates energy



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