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摘 要 关键词 Abstract Winter lasts for a long time in the cold areas of northern China.A great amount of snow falls there each year.Therefore,if the accumulated snow cannot be removed and cleaned in time,it will severely affect the safety of the transportation and bring out a lot of inconveniences to the people’s daily life.The manufacture of the multi-functional snow-moving machine will be found of important and practical value in forming good transportation and hygiene environment in winter. The snow clearing capacity of the snow-remover depends on the properties of snow clearing device,so it is necessary to study the structure and properties of snow clearing device deeply. The device mainly used for clearing floating snow is spiral snow collection,which is generally used with highspeed rotating fan and snow throwing cylinder.Snow is collected by spiral snow collection and threw to roadside or snow truck through snow throwing cylinder driven by rotating fan,which can save time,and the efficiency is high. The thesis works out a basic project on the multifunctional now-moving machine through the study of the physics mechanical haracters of the snow.It lays great emphasis on the study of Community throwing snow machine. Keywords: Snow-Remove Machine;Helix-Collect snow;Community throwing snow. 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 目 录 III 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 选题的意义 1 1.2 扬雪机国内外的发展 2 1.3 小型手扶式清雪车简介 4 1.4 小型手扶式清雪车的结构及原理 4 1.5 本章小结 5 第2章 总体方案设计 6 2.1 设计车体 6 2.2 动力系统设计 6 2.3 传动系统设计 7 2.3.1 传动方案的设计 7 2.3.2 传动系统的设计 8 2.4 本章小结 10 第3章 各系统设计 11 3.1 原动机的选用 11 3.2 变速箱的设计 11 3.3 集雪器的设计 12 3.4 抛雪器的设计 14 3.5 抛雪器性能参数的分析计算 16 3.6 机器性能参数计算 19 3.7 本章小结 20 第4章 三维造型设计和二维工程图的绘制 21 4.1 ProE简介 21 4.2 proIE参数设计的优点 21 4.3 ProIE零件的3D实体建模 22 4.4 pro-E导件的装配组合 25 4.5 二维工程图的绘制 27 4.6 本章小结 27 第5章 校 核 28 5.1 齿轮校核 28 5.2 键的校核 31 5.3 轴承校核 32 5.4 轴的校核 33 第6章 应用前景分析 36 6.1 技术经济分析 36 6.2 成本核算 36 致 谢 39 参考文献 40 结 论 41 附录1 译文 42 附录2 英文参考资料 44 第1章 绪论 1.11.2 扬雪机国内外的发展 据了解,国内外的研究概况及发展趋势——利用机械清雪是把人从繁重的扫雪工作中解放出来的一种最好的途径,并大大提高了


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