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湖南工程学院应用技术学院 毕业设计说明书 题 目: 轻型吊车设计(Ⅱ型) 专业班级: 机械设计及其自动化0581 学生姓名: 张亮 学 号: 200513090115 完成日期: 2009.6.1 指导教师: 杨毅 副教授 评阅教师: 2009 年 06 月 湖南工程学院应用技术学院毕业设计(论文) 诚 信 承 诺 书 本人慎重承诺和声明:所撰写的《轻型吊车设计(Ⅱ型)》是在指导老师的指导下自主完成,文中所有引文或引用数据、图表均已注解说明来源,本人愿意为由此引起的后果承担责任。 设计(论文)的研究成果归属学校所有。 学生 张亮 2009年06月01日 轻型吊车设计 摘要:物流活动中的装卸和搬运是现代物流系统的技术支撑要求之一,轻型吊车能提高物流能力与效率,降低物流成本。为适应物流业发展的需要,设计了一种手动液压吊车。 液压传动机械有着体积小、重量轻、结构紧凑、输出力大、工作平稳、能在大范围内实现无级调速、易于实现过载保护、实现直线运动简单等特点。 文中详细介绍了手动液压吊车各构件和液压件的设计方法,并对各重要部件进行了校核,以及其结构、工作原理等,该吊车具有经济、实用、易于推广等优点。 关键词:液压吊车、物流搬运、手动 The design of Light-duty crane abstract: In physical distribution activitys loading and unloading and the transporting are one of modern physical distribution systems technical support requests, the light-duty crane to sharpens the physical distribution ability and the efficiency, reduces the physical distribution cost. For the adaptation logistics need to develop, has designed one kind of manual hydraulic pressure crane. The Machines of the Hydraulic Motive have many characteristics, such as the volume is small; the weight is light; the Construction is tightly; the exportation power is big; The work is steady; Can realizes to have no within the scope of big the class adjust speed; easily to carry the protection of the overloading; realizing straight line action is in brief. In the article introduced in detail manual hydraulic pressure crane various components and the hydraulic pressure design method, and has carried on the examination to each important part, as well as its structure, the principle of work and so on, this crane has the economy, practical, easy to pr


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