2011 Introduction to Linguistics.ppt

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2011 Introduction to Linguistics.ppt

Homework Define the following terms: Descriptive linguistics, diachronic linguistics, langue, performance Answer the following questions: What are the main design features of human language? Please use examples to illustrate each feature. What is linguistics? What are the major branches of linguistics? Which are you most interested in? Why? Matching exercise Langue Prescriptive Performance Diachronic Speech Synchronic Competence Parole Writing Descriptive Read more about ⑴Swiss linguist F.de Saussure: Langue parole ⑵U.S.A linguist N.Chomsky Competence performance In the following two weeks Watch 说什么 /movie/2013/11/N/3/M9CNMDS2H_M9CPNQEN3.html PG entrance examination /movie/2009/6/N/F/M6GIORQOT_M6GIPQKNF.html References 杨忠(2012).《英语语言学导论》.中国人民大学出版社 /view/7cf605b565ce050876321394.html?from=recpos=1weight=61lastweight=34count=5 accessed on 26-03-2012 创思英语 张Andy /view/7b0165ef998fcc22bcd10d2d.html 学习动物精神 11、机智应变的猴子:工作的流程有时往往是一成不变的,新人的优势在于不了解既有的做法,而能创造出新的创意与点子。一味 地接受工作的交付, 只能学到工作方法 的皮毛,能思考应 变的人,才会学到 方法的精髓。 学习动物精神 12、善解人意的海豚:常常问自己:我是主管该怎么办才能有助于更好的处理事情的方法。在工作上善解人意, 会减轻主管、共 事者的负担,也 让你更具人缘。 * * * * * * * * * YI Yong yiyong6456@163.com Introduction to Linguistics Objectives of the course To help you get familiar with the basic concepts in linguistics. To help you know the development of modern linguistics and its influence on foreign language teaching and learning. To help you lay a solid foundation to prep for the PG examination. To help you become more cooperative and autonomous in leaning. Most important of all, Major Chapters Introduction Phonetics----the study of the phonic medium of language. It’s concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages. Phonology---the study of sounds systems—the inventory of distinctive sounds that occur in a language and the patterns into which they fall. Morphology---the study of the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. Syntax-------the


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