八年级英语France is calling同步练习3.docVIP

八年级英语France is calling同步练习3.doc

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八年级英语France is calling同步练习3.doc

Chapter 1 France is calling 一. Complete the sentences with proper words according to the given descriptions in the brackets.(根据括号中所给的单词释义,用适当的单词完成下列句子。) 1. Anderson goes a ______(to another country)for her holidays every year. 2. There is not much a ______(connected with farming)land in Hong Kong now. 3. Washington D.C. is the c______(the most important city of a country, where the government is)of the United States of America. 4. The king built many c_________(big buildings usually from hundreds of years ago which are very strong, to keep your enemies out)to control the country. 5. Rice and soya beans are main c______(plants grown for food or for a product) 6. What is the d______(the place which you are travelling to )of that minibus ?It is going to Shanghai Stadium. 7. This umbrella e______(allows somebody to do something, makes able/ possible)me to stay dry in the rain. 8. There is a h_______(very big)amount of work still to be done. 9. Charlie Chaplin had a big i_______(effect, power to change someone’s ideas)on films. 10. Big Ben is one of the l_______(famous places, places which help you find your way if you are lost)on London’s skyline. 11. His n______(friendly or funny name )is ‘Fatty’ because he always eats. 12. She is responsible for the organization in the London r______(area, part of a country ). 13. This pen always r______(helps or makes someone remember something)me of Rome, because I bought it there. 14. The coach will take you through the most s_______(having good scenery and views, good to look at)parts of Beijing. 15. I shall remember that happy day f______(for all time, always). 16. I o_______(said or showed that you would do or give something if another person wanted it )to help her. 17. London has many a______(something that people like and feel interested in), such as Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. 18. She is studying the c______(arts, ideas and way of life of a group of people )of the American Indians. ? 二. 1.Sydney is our final ______(destin


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