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摘 要 本次毕业设计的题目是的连续箱梁桥设计。依据《公路桥涵通用设计规范JTGD60—2004》、《公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范JTGD62—2004》,通过综合运用所学过的基础理论及专业知识。独立进行桥梁设计。 首先,根据地形图提出三种桥型比较方案,然后从外观、施工难易程度和造价等多方面考虑,最终选出最优方案。 其次,对桥梁的上部结构进行设计计算,包括桥跨布置及结构尺寸、主梁作用效应计算、预应力钢束的估算及布置以及上部结构的验算,通过计算,强度验算、抗裂验算以及持久和短暂状况的验算全部通过。 最后,对桥梁的下部结构进行设计计算,设计采用单排双柱式桥墩和钻孔灌注桩基础。下部结构的设计和计算包括墩柱的设计与计算,桩基的设计与计算。 关键词:预应力混凝土,等截面连续箱梁桥,整体现浇,结构设计,结构验算 Abstract The title of this graduation design is the design of a continuous bridge with the span of meters.According to 《The Common Specification of Highway Bridge and Culvert JTG D60-2004》and 《Specifications for Design of Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Highway Bridges and Culverts JTG D62-2004》, we have to design the bridge independently with the use of the knowledge of basic theory and profession lesson. The first step is to give three types of the bridge according to to pographic map.Then according to the comparison from the appearance,the degree of construction difficulties and construction cost and so on ,we choose the best suitable type. The second step is to design and calculate the upside structure ,which includes the arrangement of bridge spans and structure dimensions,the calculation on the effect of main girder,the estimation and layout of prestressed steel and the checking of upside structure. The last step is to design and calculate lower part structure.The design employ double column pier and bored piles foundation.The calculation and design of lower part structure includes pier and pile foundation. Key words:Continuous beam bridge,uniform-section continuous box girder bridge,the whole cast,structural design,structure checking 目 录 1 前 言 1 2 方案比选 4 2.1 原始资料 4 2.1.1 地质条件 4 2.1.2 设计要求 4 2.1.3 设计原则 4 2.2 方案比选 4 2.2.1 第一方案:装配式预应力混凝土简支箱梁桥 4 2.2.2 第二方案:连续梁刚构桥 5 2.2.3 第三方案:等截面连续梁桥 5 2.2.4 方案比选 6 3 桥跨布置及结构尺寸 7 3.1 桥跨布置 7 3.1.1 设计资料 7 3.1.2 设计荷载 7 3.1.3 材料及工艺 7 3.1.4 设计依据 7 3.2 构造布置 7 3.2.1 主梁尺寸拟定 7 3.2.2 横截面沿跨长改变 9 3.2.3 主梁毛截面几何特性计算 9 4 主


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