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密 级
所在学院 专 业 班 级 姓 名 学 号 指导老师
2014 年 月日
诚 信 承 诺
年 月 日摘 要
1% ~5% ,节省了人力物力,大大减轻了农民的负担关键词:,,
China is an agriculture country in the world, and rice planting mechanization is very important for agriculture. Rice combine harvester is an important tool to achieving rice planting mechanization. Combine harvester is a machine using harvester and thresher with a transportation. Rice combine harvester can finishes harvesting, threshing, cleaning and bagging all at once. It not only improves work efficiency, reduces the costs, but also solves the manpower and material resources, reduces the burden of farmers. All those urge us want to make rice mechanization come true.
The topic of thesis is about the walking system of combine harvester, how to discuss, research and design it is the key of this thesis. This thesis illustrates the significance of the researching this topic, introduces the development, current situation, future direction and the tendency in domestic and overseas of combine-harvester. Then design the general layout plan and argue its traveling mechanism. When the project is approved, we should calculate and check the mainly parts, including the choose and install of the diesel, frame, connecting rod, track, driving wheel, roller and the design and calculation of tensioning device. Finally, collect, analyze and check the design parameter to figure out whether they are fit with the production requirements, and then conclude the characters and disadvantages of this thesis.
Key Words: combine harvester, traveling mechanism, frame, driving wheel, connecting rod, track
目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
目 录 V
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 设计背景 1
1.2 设计目的 1
1.3 国内、外研究状况 2
1.3.1 国外收获机械化技术与机具发展趋势 2
1.3.2国内收获机械化技术与发展趋势 3
第2章 总体布局及局部方案论证 7
2.1整体布局 7
2.2 方案论证 8
2.2.1驱动轮轴上零件装配方案的确定 8
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