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* * 模板来自于 / * 讲义用 * 绿色箭头表明货物的方向, 蓝色箭头表明资金的流动方向 * * * 贸易融资方式的扩大 * 国际贸易结算与国际信贷的结合,出口信用证打包贷款(Export Letter of Credit Packing Loan) * 1.SWIFT needs member qualification. 2.SWIFT’s charge is low. It’s about 18% of that used by telex, and 2.5% of that used by cable. 3.SWIFT is safer. (SWIFT authenticate key) 4.SWIFT has standard uniform format. * * * International banking is effected through the cooperation of commercial banks all over the world. This cooperation comes from the establishment of correspondent relationships between banks. The bank may open deposit accounts with, and entrust business to each other on a reciprocal basis.互惠基础上 Depository [d?p?z?t(?)r?]bank must be correspondent bank, but correspondent bank is not necessarily depository bank. 账户行一定是代理行,代理行不一定是账户行。 各银行的开立账户的条件各不相同,在不同银行建立账户的成本费有大有小。账户条件大致有以下几种:①最低存款额;②存款利息;③透支额度及利息;④账户费用;⑤对账单。 ① minimum deposit amount;② interest of deposits;③ overdraft limit and interest;④ account cost; ⑤statements * When selecting a bank as a correspondent bank, what factors should be taken into account? * 两家不同国籍的银行,互相委托,互为办理国际银行业务发生往来关系。一般由双方银行的总行之间建立。 (1)资信调查,考察了解对方银行的资信。 (2)签订代理协议并互换控制文件 (3)确认控制文件:密押/印鉴样本/费率表 What do control documents include? 印鉴样本:是银行列示的所有有权签字的人的有权签字额度、签字范围、有效签字组合方式以及亲笔签字字样。代理行可凭其核对对方银行发来的电报、电传等的真实性。 密押:是两家代理行之间事先约定的专用押码,在发送电报时,由发送电报的银行在电文前面加注,经接受电报的银行核对相符,用以确认电报的真实性。 * * Sale contract Seller: address, telex/fax; Buyer:address, telex/fax Goods Quality clause:the goods description, quality,specifications Quantity clause: weight, numbers, length, dimension, volume, capacity Packing clause:mode of packing, and its material Price clause:unit price, pricing currency , price terms used Deliver terms:time of delivery, port of loading and destination, transshipment, partial shipment ,mode of transportation Insurance clause:risks to be covered, the percentage of insurance Payment clause: payment method and its content Commodity inspection clause: how the right of inspection is determined, the time, pla


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