S7-300_PLC中程序控温算法设计 毕业设计.doc

S7-300_PLC中程序控温算法设计 毕业设计.doc

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S7-300 PLC中程序控温算法设计 Temperature Control Algorithm Design Based on S7-300 PLC 总 计: 页 表 格: 个 插 图: 幅 Temperature Control Algorithm Design Based on S7-300 PLC 学 院(系): 电子与电气工程学院 专 业: 自动化 学 生 姓 名: 学 号: 104091020035 指 导 教 师(职称): ) 评 阅 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 南阳理工学院 Nanyang Institute of Technology S7-300 PLC中程序控温算法设计 自动化专业 [摘 要] [关键词] ; Temperature Control Algorithm Design Based on the S7-300 PLC Automation Specialty GAO shi-yu Abstract: Temperature control is one of the most important process control, Some temperature control process is base on ramp rate of heating up,keeping and cooling.Siemens S7-300 PLC FB41 PID control module has dual polarity output function,but the module has no program control temperature function.This design is based on FB41 PID control module, the independent design temperature process control algorithm realize the clip set of boiler temperature control of the program.Mainly includes multistage temperature setting curve program design, study about heating up,keeping,cooling temperature control law and preferences.Setting temperature curve is by temperature-time format algorichm, the d-value is between setting temperature and last-setting temperature , this period time is divided by d-value between setting temperature and last-setting temperature ,then get the temperature curve slope. scope multiplied time get setting value curve by linear operation. Setting value is as given value of FB41 for PID operation. Positive polarity PID output and pulse width modulation realize time-proportion heating control, negative polarity PID output realize cooling control by adjusting cool water flow in clip setting. To rise-keep-cool temperature period drop choose different control laws and parameter setting and realize the program temperature control, the precision is


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