Protues环境的基于ARM的PWM设计仿真 毕业论文.doc

Protues环境的基于ARM的PWM设计仿真 毕业论文.doc

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南京林业大学 本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目:Protues环境的基于ARM的PWM设计仿真 学 院: 机械电子工程学院 专 业: 测控技术与仪器 学 号: 0637111 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 副 教 授 2010 年 月 日 摘 要 随着社会的发展,嵌入式系统已经渗入到人们的生活中,例如常见的手机就是它的一项应用。嵌入式系统的核心部件是嵌入式处理器,其中基于ARM内核的嵌入式处理器独占鳌头,像飞利浦公司基于ARM7内核而开发的LPC2124芯片就十分常见。在研究ARM过程中,开发平台必不可少,其中Proteus具有虚拟仿真功能,使得设计嵌入式系统更加方便。 论文阐述了在Proteus平台下,搭建以LPC2124芯片为核心的PWM可调占空比电路,其中包括芯片的基础电路(接入电源、晶振与复位电路等)、开关电路、PWM转换DAC环节、信号放大环节以及驱动电机转动等。之后在Keil工具中编程控制PWM波形,最后进行仿真调试。 在最后的仿真调试中,系统成功输出PWM波形,并可以电机转速,符合设计目的。 关键词:嵌入式系统;ARM嵌入式处理器;Proteus仿真;基于ARM7的LPC2124芯片;PWM输出 Protues environment based on ARM PWM design simulation Abstract With the development of society,the embedded system already have been infiltrated into peoples lives. For example,one of its application is common cell phones. Embedded systems of the core components is embedded processor, which based on ARM core has occupied most of the market.As we know it is very common to use the LPC2124 whose structure based on ARM7 in the products. In the course of researching ARM, it is necessary to use development platform, in which proteus has a virtual simulation function that made the design of embedded systems more convenient. The study expound that in the proteus platform,building a circuit which takes LPC2124 as the core.And in that circuit,we can control the duty cycle of PWM. Assuredly,the circuit includes the basis of the circuit chip which contain power supply,crystal oscillator and reset circuit.It also includes switch circuit,PWM converter DAC,Signal amplification and drive motor.After that,it will programme control of PWM waveform in the Keil tools. Finally we can see the simulation and debugging. In the final simulation debugging,the system output the PWM waveform successfully and the motor speed could be changed.So it is prove that the system is in keeping with the goal of the design. Key words:Embedded system,ARM embedded processor,Proteus simulation, LPC2124 based on ARM7,PWM output 摘 要 I Abstract I


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