SZL7.0-1.011570-AI热水锅炉设计 毕业论文.doc

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SZL7.0-1.0/115/70-AI热水锅炉设计 摘 要 如今,锅炉作为一种主要的能源转换装置被广泛的研究和应用,成为生活和工业上不可或缺的一项重要工具。本次设计任务是一台型号为SZL7-1.0/115/70-AI锅炉的计算及绘图,设计过程中既要大胆又要切合实际。 在锅炉设计的过程中,主要考虑的因素是保证炉内着火,炉膛内有足够的辐射热量,煤的燃尽程度以及炉膛容积热负荷和炉膛面积热负荷的影响,热负荷过大就会引起爆管;热负荷过小就会导致炉内温度分布不均。影响锅炉管束的主要因素是烟气温度、速度,如果过高则回造成对流受热面工作条件的恶化和剧烈磨损。在整个锅炉结构的设计过程中,一定要确保有一定的气密性以保证炉膛内进行微负压燃烧。 下面,简单介绍一下该锅炉的特点: 该锅炉为双锅筒纵置式自然循环炉,炉膛四周布置了水冷壁,为了保证炉膛中持续稳定的燃烧,采用高而短的前拱和低而长的后拱。烟气从炉膛出来后进入燃尽室,燃尽室也布置有水冷壁。上下锅筒之间布置密集的对流锅炉管束,为主要受热面。尾部烟道布置了空气预热器来降低排烟温度,提高锅炉效率,改善燃料的着火和燃烧过程。燃烧设备为链条炉排,燃料为I类烟煤,其低位发热量为13536Kj/Kg. 本次设计尝试很有必要,也很有意义。 关键词 热水锅炉;热力计算;强度计算;烟风阻力计算 Hot water boiler designer- SZL7.0-1.0/115/70-AI Abstract Now, the boiler as a primary energy conversion device is a wide range of research and application, as life and essential in the industry an important tool. This design task is a model calculation and drawing SZL7-1.0/115/70-AI boiler, the design process should not only bold but also realistic. In the boiler design process, the main consideration is to ensure that the furnace fire, furnace heat radiation sufficient coal burnout Chengduoyiji hearth furnace heat load and volume of space heat load, heat load is too large will cause Explosion; heat load is too small will cause the furnace temperature is unevenly distributed. The main factors affect the boiler tube is gas temperature, velocity, if too high then back to the working conditions of heat transfer surface caused the deterioration and severe wear. Throughout the design process of the boiler structure, we must ensure that there is some tightness in order to ensure that micro-negative pressure within the combustion chamber. Below, a brief introduction of the boiler characteristics: The double-drum boiler natural circulation vertical mounted furnace, the furnace around the layout of the wall, in order to ensure continued stability in the combustion chamber, high and short and long before the arch and rear lower arch. Densely arranged between the upper and lower convection drum boiler control, as the main



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