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C (1) The coach has responsibilities to his athletes, to coaching and to sport. He must have a high level of skill and experience, and be able to communicate easily with others. He should set himself high standards and should act as a role model for his athletes. He mustn’t drink or smoke. His philosophy for living and competing ought to be according to the rules. He must believe in fair play. He has to establish a special relationship with his athletes as a teacher, mentor and friend. He ought to make every effort to promote the reputation and high standards of Chinese sport in the world. Coaches should be given training in specific knowledge, coaching theory, and practical experience. Coaching theory includes sport psychology, physiology, anatomy, biomechanics, biochemistry, theory of exercise, and so on. Practical experience should include training an athlete and organizing an athlete’s program. 教练员对他的运动员、训练工作和运动本身都负有重任。教练员必须具有高水平的训练技巧,有经验,而且要有善于和他人沟通的能力。 教练员应以高标准要求自己,做运动员的表率。他不应喝酒或吸烟。教练对待生活和竞争的态度,应以法规为准绳。教练员必须坚持公平竞赛。 教练员应与他的运动员保持良师益友的亲密关系。 教练员应为中国体育在世界取得荣誉和为中国体育向更高水平发展做出最大努力。 教练应在专项知识,训练理论和实践经验方面得到培训。训练理论包括运动心理学、生理学、解剖学、生物力学、生物化学和训练学等。实践经验包括对运动员进行训练和编制运动员训练计划等。 ( ) 1. The coach should take responsibilities not only to coaching, but to the athletes and sport. 教练员不仅要对训练工作负责,而且要对运动员和运动本身负责。 A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Not mentioned. ( ) 2. Coach needn’t the ability to communicate with others. 教练员不需要和他人沟通的能力。 A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Not mentioned. ( ) 3. Coach is the model of athletes, so he should pay attention to his living style. 教练员是运动员的榜样,所以他应该注意他自己的生活方式。 A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Not mentioned. ( ) 4. Coach is the teacher of athletes, so he has to be serious to athletes. 教练员是运动员的老师,所以他必须对运动员严肃一些。 A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Not mentioned. ( ) 5. Coach should try his best to promote the reputation and high standards of Chinese sport in the world. 教练员应为中国体育在世界取得荣誉和为中国体育向更高水平发展做出最大努力。 A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Not mentioned. ( ) 6. Coach shou


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